Diseases of the trigeminal nerve
1. Cook a soft-boiled egg, cut it in half and both halves attach to the place where it hurts more. When the egg cools, the pain should go. 2. You can make fresh leaves of geranium, but not necessarily on a linen cloth, pribinova to the sore spot, and on top wrap a warm scarf. After 2 hours the pain should go. Preferably the leaves of geranium to be changed frequently, then the effect will be more.

3. Mix equal parts of the juice of the berries of elderberry (or jam from it) and high-quality grape wine. Take 3 tablespoons twice a day before meals, course of 7-8 days.
4. 100 green of pine cones, 25 g of leaves and flowers of Rue, 1.5 kg of sugar, pour 2.5 liters of water and simmer for 20 minutes. When cool, drain. To accept on 1 table spoon three times a day before meals.
5. In occipital neuralgia, take 150 grams of thyme and cnicus bark of lang V, cook for 15 min. in 4 years
water. The broth is suitable 5 days. To put compresses on motility times a day for 30-40 heh.
6. With tablespoons of the kidneys black poplar and boil 5 min. in 4 cups water, to insist 4 hours in a thermos. Put compresses on the sore spots. This can be done also for rheumatism and gout.
7. Ointment: take 1 part powder from the buds of the black poplar into 4 parts butter or pork fat. To RUB the sore spots.

8. 1 tablespoon of dry herb krovaviy pour 200 g of boiling water, to insist 1 hour. well wrapped, and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily before meals.
9. Whole fresh burdock (root, stem, leaves, Sussita) wash, chop into mush, and apply symmetrically to the affected area on the healthy side as a compress. Effective in the initial stage.
Source: helps.com.ua
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