The transistors of the 2-D materials
Two independent research groups presented the first transistors built entirely of two-dimensional electronic materials, making these devices even more subtle. The development of transparent transistors, a thickness of a few atoms can lead to the emergence of energy-efficient and flexible high-resolution displays.
A group of engineers from the Argonne national laboratory have made flexible transistors using graphene for the electrodes, WSe 2 to the semiconductor channel and hexagonal boron nitride as an insulator. The speed of the electrons in the devices about 100 times faster than in amorphous-silicon devices. Such a high electron mobility means faster switching transistors that control the refresh rate of the display, it is necessary for high-quality video, especially 3-D video.
A group of scientists at the University of California has developed a similar transistors, except that they used MoS 2 as a semiconductor. Their transistors have electron mobility of about 70 times higher than that of amorphous-silicon devices.
Source: nauka24news.ru/