Zoo Birdsli introduced his vydrat
Zoo Beardsly (Beardsley Zoo) in Farmington (CT) has recently introduced four cubs, North American river otters. The babies were born on February 15, and his first veterinary inspection, they passed on 17 April.
Photo: Connecticut''s Beardsley Zoo
This inspection revealed that all vitrata (two males and two females) is quite healthy and ready to conduct compulsory planned vaccination and chipping. Inspection held a respected doctor Hochman working at the zoo Birdsli more than 45 years.
According to the specialist, the procedure is the implantation of chips is completely harmless and painless for animals, not subsequently cause discomfort. It is also standard for most zoos, not only in USA but throughout the world.
After inspection and vaccination of the puppies now ready to appear before the visitors. Soon they together with the parents will be transferred to the outdoor pool enclosure, where a few weeks later the father and mother begin to teach them to swim.
— If all goes well, in a week they will swim like otters, all adults, says zoo Director Gregg Dancho (Gregg Dancho). It is worth noting that the mother of vydrat, a female named RESEDA (Necedah) arrived at the zoo Birdsli in 2012 from the Minnesota zoo (Minnesota Zoo), and the father of the baby, male Rizzo (Rizzo) arrived in 2004 from St. Louis zoo (St. Louis Zoo).
Nesedi now two years and Rizzo is 11 years old. This pair was a wonderful and caring parents who take care of their offspring, trying to teach vydrat everything that needs to know adult otters. After vitrata are older and will need care parents will be donated to other zoos of the country for further breeding.
Otters are among the most beloved animals in our zoo, — the Director speaks. Near their enclosure is always going to a lot of people. Especially loves children who is willing to stand for hours and watch them drop games. Just imagine what will happen near the cage, when there will be this daring foursome!
Source: zoopicture.ru
Photo: Connecticut''s Beardsley Zoo
This inspection revealed that all vitrata (two males and two females) is quite healthy and ready to conduct compulsory planned vaccination and chipping. Inspection held a respected doctor Hochman working at the zoo Birdsli more than 45 years.
According to the specialist, the procedure is the implantation of chips is completely harmless and painless for animals, not subsequently cause discomfort. It is also standard for most zoos, not only in USA but throughout the world.
After inspection and vaccination of the puppies now ready to appear before the visitors. Soon they together with the parents will be transferred to the outdoor pool enclosure, where a few weeks later the father and mother begin to teach them to swim.
— If all goes well, in a week they will swim like otters, all adults, says zoo Director Gregg Dancho (Gregg Dancho). It is worth noting that the mother of vydrat, a female named RESEDA (Necedah) arrived at the zoo Birdsli in 2012 from the Minnesota zoo (Minnesota Zoo), and the father of the baby, male Rizzo (Rizzo) arrived in 2004 from St. Louis zoo (St. Louis Zoo).
Nesedi now two years and Rizzo is 11 years old. This pair was a wonderful and caring parents who take care of their offspring, trying to teach vydrat everything that needs to know adult otters. After vitrata are older and will need care parents will be donated to other zoos of the country for further breeding.
Otters are among the most beloved animals in our zoo, — the Director speaks. Near their enclosure is always going to a lot of people. Especially loves children who is willing to stand for hours and watch them drop games. Just imagine what will happen near the cage, when there will be this daring foursome!
Source: zoopicture.ru
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