Short people live longer – new study
A study of over 8,000 men shows that people with short stature live longer than the more handsome specimens. Scientists explain this amazing fact with the genes.
Professor Bradley Wilcox, of the University of Hawaii conducted a study of eight thousand men, which found that those who had a height below 5 feet and 2 inches, live longer than others. American scientist suggests that low growth is associated with the gene FOXO3, which affects the longevity and leads to smaller body size during fetal development. The low men were more likely to have lower levels of insulin in the blood and fewer get cancer in their lifetime. The scientist analyzed the data of men of Japanese ancestry born between 1900 and 1919.
Professor Willcocks stated that the findings cannot be considered absolute, but some connection between height and longevity can be traced. In 2012 he published the results of a study of men on the island of Sardinia. There the researchers also found that short men live longer by 2 years than people with higher growth.
Source: nauka24news.ru/