How to plant cucumber seeds
How to plant cucumber seeds correctly, I'll tell you briefly in this small article, drawing your attention to the main points.
Preparation of seeds for sowing In preparation for sowing cucumbers, the main attention should be paid to seeds and soil.
Seeds must be fresh. If they are bought in the store, you have to pay attention to the expiration date. Often take seeds from their own grown cucumbers, which are large and yellow. For these seeds to cultivate.
We first choose the largest seeds, then they are dipped in water and those that sink in water, leave for seed. The seeds can be heated in a conventional dryer for 2 hours. They can be treated with potassium permanganate, then put on wet gauze and hold for a few hours in a damp environment. If you will sow in a cool period, for protection of the seed from the sprout flies them moistened with starch paste and then specially treated with fentiuram or its analogs (in the proportions 1 kg of seeds to use 5 grams of chemical). You can pre-make the seedlings to sprouts a little stronger.

What seeds need Important to choose seeds according to their needs. So, for pickling cucumbers suitable seeds angel F1. Early variety for the impatient — Date information F1, and the F1 cultivar Boris though is too early but produces fruit until the autumn. For lovers to eat fresh cucumbers suitable grade Blonde F1. In other words, you first need to determine what needs the cucumbers and how you intend to use, and then pick up the seeds of the respective varieties.
Working with soil Soil is needed just before planting it is necessary to treat, cleanse and loosen. It is desirable that it was warm and humid. Elevated temperature is always slightly higher, so is the garden, which is located from East to West, and its slope should be towards the South.
Methods of sowing: The easiest method for planting in the black soil: the seeds several pieces are placed in the ground to a depth of a length of one phalanx of a finger (3-4 cm) into the ground and slightly wetted with water.
In the Nonchernozem zone for varieties with short whips in the method of sowing in rows the distance between rows is usually made equal to 45-60 cm, and after thinning (poryvko) distance in the row between adjacent plants leave equal to 6-7 cm For the varieties with long whips the distance between the rows doing 70 cm, and in row after thinning the distance between the seedlings — 10— 12 see If you apply a square-cluster method of sowing, varieties with short lashes leave the nest up to 6 plants, and the varieties are vigorous — leave four or five plants.

To the seedlings was friendly Good shoots will be in the case if you have previously carefully selected seeds, processed them, prepared to land. Great importance is the condition of the soil, preparation of beds sowing method. Among other things, the shoots are weather dependent. Faster they appear after a warm rain.
Read also about how to plant cucumber seeds and grow them in the greenhouse.
Source: ayatskov1.ru
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