Kitchen Light Knife Concept for Real Jedi
In fact, lightsabers do not exist yet. We have just come to understand how to bind photons to each other. However, designer Chia-Yu Ye from Electrolux Lab has already created the concept of a light knife. In fact, this idea has more to do with Terminator than Star Wars.
Lightsaber KnifeThis knife is a handle that at the touch of a button can create the blade you need right now. At your request, the knife handle will make one of five programmed blade shapes out of liquid metal. In order to prevent children from accidentally hurt themselves by picking up a knife, the design concept includes a fingerprint scanner.
However, despite the fact that the concept looks very attractive, the problem of the lack of liquid metal has not yet been canceled. In addition, the defense ministries of any country would rather give this technology to build the T1000 Terminator than to housewives in the kitchen.
Source: techcult.ru