Created the world’s smallest and fastest nanomotor + video
The tiny engine was developed by a group of researchers at the University of Texas, led by Professor Donglei Feng. The dimensions of the novelty are 1 micrometer or 0.001 mm in any dimension. The nanomotor has already passed the first rigorous test, managing to work 15 hours at 18,000 rpm. By the way, for comparison, turbines of jet aircraft rotate at this speed.
The most important advantage of the nanomotor is its simplicity. It consists of three parts, interacting with each other through a special technology based on the use of constant and variable electric fields. Equally important is the fact that the engine is under constant control.
Scientists have already determined the future responsibilities of nanomotors. On their basis, a whole family of nanorobots will be created. With their help, doctors will be able to deliver medicines to the affected organs, in particular, to destroy malignant cells. The next stage will be the birth of nanorobot surgeons capable of performing operations with affected cells.
Source: techcult.ru