Solar energy leader in the United States
Fifty seven million seven hundred twenty eight thousand five hundred fourteen
CEPGI is a quarterly report on the number of patents in the field of green energy, issued by the Bureau on registration of patents and trademarks of the United States. Since 2002, it monitors trends in the field of green patents with classification and division on technology sectors, patent owners and geography.
In 2013, 375 were granted patents in clean energy, which is 114 more than in 2012. But compared to several previous years, the margin was not very high.
The leading segment was solar energy. In recent years we have issued 965 patents. In second place are the fuel cell (886 patent) and wind energy on the third. This year is the first in which solar energy by the number of inventions bypassed the sector of fuel cells.
The number of issued patents in hybrid and electric vehicles has increased from 123 to 409, they go for 4th place. To the honorable 5th place – biomass / biofuels, an increase from 47 patents in 2012 to 226 in 2013. Geothermal electricity have shown growth from 14 to 21 of the patent.
The holders, the rating was arrayed thus: in the lead is General Motors (169), then Toyota (158), Samsung (103), General Electric and Honda (89 patents each), the ten largest patent holders completing Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Ford, Vestas and Siemens.
In addition to the activity of industry leaders, the statistics of the increase in the number of smaller organizations wishing to obtain a patent right holder. In 2013 alone, there were about 1500 (600 – section solar energy), which reflects not only the growing diversification in green energy sector, but also the interest of business to this area in General.
Source: greenevolution.ru
CEPGI is a quarterly report on the number of patents in the field of green energy, issued by the Bureau on registration of patents and trademarks of the United States. Since 2002, it monitors trends in the field of green patents with classification and division on technology sectors, patent owners and geography.
In 2013, 375 were granted patents in clean energy, which is 114 more than in 2012. But compared to several previous years, the margin was not very high.
The leading segment was solar energy. In recent years we have issued 965 patents. In second place are the fuel cell (886 patent) and wind energy on the third. This year is the first in which solar energy by the number of inventions bypassed the sector of fuel cells.
The number of issued patents in hybrid and electric vehicles has increased from 123 to 409, they go for 4th place. To the honorable 5th place – biomass / biofuels, an increase from 47 patents in 2012 to 226 in 2013. Geothermal electricity have shown growth from 14 to 21 of the patent.
The holders, the rating was arrayed thus: in the lead is General Motors (169), then Toyota (158), Samsung (103), General Electric and Honda (89 patents each), the ten largest patent holders completing Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Ford, Vestas and Siemens.
In addition to the activity of industry leaders, the statistics of the increase in the number of smaller organizations wishing to obtain a patent right holder. In 2013 alone, there were about 1500 (600 – section solar energy), which reflects not only the growing diversification in green energy sector, but also the interest of business to this area in General.
Source: greenevolution.ru
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