Bees can count to four and not only

The bees we know, it seems, everything. They pollinate most of the plants that we eat, as well as cotton – based natural fabrics for clothes. And still the main product of these tireless workers – med. Every year bees produce nearly 1.2 million tons of honey.
Usually the worker bee dies after three weeks of work. During this time, she manages to fly 800 miles and visit nearly a million colors. As it turned out, amazing performance – not only their dignity. Bees can count to four and highly trainable.
Over the past 15 years, scientists developed a special methodology, which the bees learned to identify more than 60 different odours. So they help to identify the person of dangerous diseases – cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, to find enriched uranium, crystal meth and TNT is a major component of anti-personnel mines, from which are annually killed and injured tens of thousands of people around the world.
Biologists of Croatia and France for several years now, successfully prepared of bees-sappers. The fact that the Balkans is still not defused more than 120,000 min. of training takes only 2 days, after which the bees are safely returned to their native hive. Trained bees only 10 minutes to search for mines with 98% efficiency. A similar indicator dogs – 71 %, while the cost of training for 3 months is 9,000 $. In addition, the bee will never blow up.
Source: techcult.ru