How to remove redness if the face is burnt off in the sun
The danger of burn, tanning, very large. Therefore it is necessary beforehand to take care of its skin and put on her protective agent. If, however, burned face, we will give some tips on how to remove the redness and pain and continue to enjoy the sunshine.
Look at friendly pictures from the first summer picnic: they always have at least one man, whose burned face. How to remove redness? Act quickly: "Photoshop" will not protect you from discomfort and peeling of the nose.
Sixty two million forty three thousand five hundred eleven
Try to prevent burn
1. The highest activity of the sun observed from 12 to 16 hours a day, then repeatedly increases the risk of scalding. Try at this time to remain in the shadows.
2. After bathing, carefully dry off with a towel. Water droplets acting like a magnifying glass intensify the sun exposure on the skin.
3. Some medications increase the sensitivity of skin to light. If you are taking any medications, carefully read the instructions.
4. Do not forget about protective creams, lotions and suspensions. And be sure to wear a hat.
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Burned face: how to remove the redness, itching and pain?
1. Wash your face with clean fresh cool water (gel).
2. Take aspirin. This will help to reduce pain and prevent inflammation of the skin.
3. If badly burned face to remove redness may mask of yogurt. Moisten in it a handkerchief and cover your face, making a slit for the nose. After 20-30 minutes rinse.
4. Mix sour cream, egg yolk and a spoon of vegetable oil will not only help relieve redness, but will quickly heal sunburn. Apply the mask on your face 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes.
5. If the facial skin is badly burned, and you don't know how to remove the redness, use the usual brew green or black tea. Soak in it a piece of cloth and cover the burnt surface.
6. Good healing burns aloe.
7. Another effective tool used in the nation — mask from raw grated potatoes. Grate the root on a fine grater and apply thickly on the face. Relief comes very quickly. After 2-3 sessions the healthy skin will return.
8. If no funds on hand were not available, use fresh cucumber. He has such a strong healing effect, but the burn symptoms can reduce.
9. Also, when burned face in the sun to remove the redness and itching you can use 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal, brewed with boiling water. Cool the pulp and liberally coat her skin. After 15-20 minutes rinse.
10. Well, if you get a special protivoogogove means: "Panthenol" or "Bepanten". The rule is to take them with me to all trips.
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General recommendation
1. If you are burned by the sun, try to drink plenty of fluids: water, berry fruit drinks.
2. Eat more fruits containing vitamin C, because it contributes to tissue repair.
3. Every time after applying any of the funds, lubricate face moisturizer.
Source: /users/1081
Look at friendly pictures from the first summer picnic: they always have at least one man, whose burned face. How to remove redness? Act quickly: "Photoshop" will not protect you from discomfort and peeling of the nose.
Sixty two million forty three thousand five hundred eleven
Try to prevent burn
1. The highest activity of the sun observed from 12 to 16 hours a day, then repeatedly increases the risk of scalding. Try at this time to remain in the shadows.
2. After bathing, carefully dry off with a towel. Water droplets acting like a magnifying glass intensify the sun exposure on the skin.
3. Some medications increase the sensitivity of skin to light. If you are taking any medications, carefully read the instructions.
4. Do not forget about protective creams, lotions and suspensions. And be sure to wear a hat.
Fifty seven million three hundred twenty nine thousand one hundred sixty nine
Burned face: how to remove the redness, itching and pain?
1. Wash your face with clean fresh cool water (gel).
2. Take aspirin. This will help to reduce pain and prevent inflammation of the skin.
3. If badly burned face to remove redness may mask of yogurt. Moisten in it a handkerchief and cover your face, making a slit for the nose. After 20-30 minutes rinse.
4. Mix sour cream, egg yolk and a spoon of vegetable oil will not only help relieve redness, but will quickly heal sunburn. Apply the mask on your face 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes.
5. If the facial skin is badly burned, and you don't know how to remove the redness, use the usual brew green or black tea. Soak in it a piece of cloth and cover the burnt surface.
6. Good healing burns aloe.
7. Another effective tool used in the nation — mask from raw grated potatoes. Grate the root on a fine grater and apply thickly on the face. Relief comes very quickly. After 2-3 sessions the healthy skin will return.
8. If no funds on hand were not available, use fresh cucumber. He has such a strong healing effect, but the burn symptoms can reduce.
9. Also, when burned face in the sun to remove the redness and itching you can use 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal, brewed with boiling water. Cool the pulp and liberally coat her skin. After 15-20 minutes rinse.
10. Well, if you get a special protivoogogove means: "Panthenol" or "Bepanten". The rule is to take them with me to all trips.
One million seven hundred fourteen thousand two hundred twenty eight
General recommendation
1. If you are burned by the sun, try to drink plenty of fluids: water, berry fruit drinks.
2. Eat more fruits containing vitamin C, because it contributes to tissue repair.
3. Every time after applying any of the funds, lubricate face moisturizer.
Source: /users/1081
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