Red wine can prevent tooth decay - the French dentists
Caries, Tartar and periodontal disease are observed in every second inhabitant of our country. The cause of these illnesses — the bacteria of the mouth, forming plaque and damaging the teeth acid. In addition, untreated dental disease lead to malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, which entails such effects as gastritis, constipation, intestinal atony.
Dental caries and periodontal disease are the main cause of early prosthesis and setting the implant. In the 90-ies of the last century prosthetics was started in 45-50 years, in 2014 the mark is stopped at 29-32. How to avoid it?
According to the study of French dentists, grape seed extract and red wine contain compounds that slow down the growth of bacteria causing caries. Grow a biofilm of bacteria that cause the development of dental disease, the scientists lowered into different liquids, including alcoholic and non-traditional red wine, water and wine seed extract. This wine proved better than the other fluids in opposition to bacteria.
Grape seed and red wine can form a protective layer that protects the teeth from bacteria and their metabolic products. These studies became the basis for the creation of mouthwash on a natural basis, which in future will help to reduce the need for early dental treatment and aesthetic restoration.
Source: estet-portal.com
Dental caries and periodontal disease are the main cause of early prosthesis and setting the implant. In the 90-ies of the last century prosthetics was started in 45-50 years, in 2014 the mark is stopped at 29-32. How to avoid it?
According to the study of French dentists, grape seed extract and red wine contain compounds that slow down the growth of bacteria causing caries. Grow a biofilm of bacteria that cause the development of dental disease, the scientists lowered into different liquids, including alcoholic and non-traditional red wine, water and wine seed extract. This wine proved better than the other fluids in opposition to bacteria.
Grape seed and red wine can form a protective layer that protects the teeth from bacteria and their metabolic products. These studies became the basis for the creation of mouthwash on a natural basis, which in future will help to reduce the need for early dental treatment and aesthetic restoration.
Source: estet-portal.com
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