Treatment of adhesions of the pelvic organs
How to get rid of adhesions of the pelvic organs without surgery? The article presents the most effective ways of dealing with adhesions: herbal infusions, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) and physiotherapy.
Adhesions of the pelvic organs is a serious disease that can lead to undesirable consequences, ranging from ectopic pregnancy, ending with infertility.
According to the followers of traditional medicine to get rid of adhesions is possible only with the help of their dissection, and with the help of laparoscopy. But as you know, any surgical intervention provokes the formation of new adhesions. This means that if within six months after the operation will not happen of conception, the risk of new adhesions, which may cause ectopic pregnancy. A vicious circle.
Fortunately, there is alternative medicine that has for many years helped women to deal with the adhesions in the tubes and other pelvic organs:
1. Upland uterus and red brush.
About the miraculous properties of these herbs say for a long time, but the positive reviews recovered from adhesions women are encouraging and give confidence.It is believed that the most effective remedy for adhesions is a alcohol tincture of upland uterus and red brush. Pay special attention to the fact that herbs do not mix, and cook them from 2 different infusion. In both cases, for infusion you'll need 250-300 g of grass and 250-300 ml of vodka for each infusion. After preparation, the infusion should put it in a dark place and keep him there for 7-10 days, daily shaking. In making alcoholic tinctures be sure to consider the menstrual cycle as to make infusions only in the second half of the cycle. One cycle should take an infusion of upland uterus (14 days after ovulation), the second cycle in the same period – an infusion of red brush.
2. Hirudotherapy.
Hirudotherapy is a treatment using leeches. How leeches can affect the treatment of adhesions? The fact that leeches have a positive effect on blood circulation in certain areas of the body. A good blood circulation in the pelvic area and prevents the appearance of new adhesions and thins already available. For meaningful results it is desirable to have 10-12 sessions of treatment. The first few procedures should be carried out under expert supervision, and with the subsequent procedures, you can handle yourself, having bought leeches at the pharmacy.
3. Physiotherapy.
It is known that spikes like a lazy. And this is understandable. The more a woman moves, the less its internal organs are in a stationary state, this means that spikes will be difficult to appear in those places that are constantly in motion.Good exercise, stretching adhesions, is "fish". The exercise is performed by lying on stomach, arms extended forward. You must raise the legs as high as possible. In the course of performing the exercise you will feel tension in pelvic organs. The exercise must be at least four times a week.
An efficient method in the struggle with the adhesion process is bodyflex (breathing exercises). Performing this exercises, you fill with air the stomach, resulting in adhesions are stretched and torn.
Be sure to reinforce your treatment in good faith, and the result appears much faster than you expect.
Source: natural-medicine.ru
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