Meerkat cubs were born at Chester Zoo

A pair of meerkats living at Chester Zoo in the UK have had offspring. Five charming babies were born on April 20, but only now they began to come out of hiding and explore the world around them.

Photo: Chester Zoo

These wonderful photos taken by the zoo staff show the young meerkats in their glory. According to the rangers, this fun five has already managed to attract the attention of numerous visitors to the park.

“Now the summer holidays have just begun, so there are a lot of children near the enclosure, who are very happy to watch these live and nimble animals,” says Dave White, manager of the pavilion with African animals.

These cubs are so active that neither parents nor the rest of the group rest from them. However, adult meerkats try to do everything possible to keep these “bandits” in check, said Mr. White.

Raising the younger generation is one of the important tasks facing the whole family. Meerkats are social animals that do everything together, although each animal in the group has a soybean, a specific task.

Someone nurses the young, someone is engaged in security and watches carefully so that their family is not attacked by the enemy or cunning neighbors do not cross the border, and someone gets food. Naturally, from time to time, the tasks in front of them change, and each of the animals can try themselves in one or another role.

But the whole order and peace in the family is watched by the dominant female, who decides everything here. And only she can have offspring, and if someone disobeys, she will be severely punished, up to the expulsion of their clan. Although sometimes there are exceptions, but again everything will be as the leader wants – the right to make decisions always remains with her.

It is worth noting that between meerkats of one clan very close relationship based on love, respect and care for each other. If necessary, they can enter into a selfless fight to protect their relative.



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