Sunburn is the most dangerous for young people
In the summer, when thousands of people go to the beach for a beautiful tan, they seriously risk their own health. American scientists have proved that sunburns received at a young age, threatened young people with skin cancer.
Experts explain that light and even tan no harm to human not cause. On the contrary, the sun's rays falling on the skin and trigger the production of vitamin D which is essential for our body.
However, the abuse of sunlight can cause the development of melanoma and basal cell carcinoma.
And going to the beach, it is worth remembering that just 5 sunburns increase the chance of developing cancer formations of 80%.
In the study, which determined the degree of sunburn damage to human health, involved more than 100,000 American girls. It turned out that the greatest danger scorching sun's rays pose to young people who have not reached 20 years of age.
Despite the fact that the study was conducted solely with the involvement of the female population, scientists say that the results will also be valid for men. 20 years, young people of both sexes manage to obtain 3-5 sunburn.
Also at risk was red-haired people. In addition to the fiery hair color they have, as a rule, there is one more distinctive feature – a huge number of moles that cover their body. And sunburn, which will be in place of moles, with high probability it can force to become a harmless spot on the skin a cancerous tumor.
Also careful to sunbathe scientists suggest people with light skin. Typically, such skin is very sensitive to sunlight, causing its possessor is more likely to get redness and burns.
In connection with the danger which was revealed in the course of scientific work, the specialists strongly recommend not to neglect the means of protection and to use sunscreen.
However, one recent study showed that sunscreen must be periodically washed away and apply a new one. Otherwise, such protection would do more harm than good. According to statistics, the most common cancer in young people up to 30 years is cancer of the skin.
Source: zeleneet.com
Experts explain that light and even tan no harm to human not cause. On the contrary, the sun's rays falling on the skin and trigger the production of vitamin D which is essential for our body.
However, the abuse of sunlight can cause the development of melanoma and basal cell carcinoma.
And going to the beach, it is worth remembering that just 5 sunburns increase the chance of developing cancer formations of 80%.

In the study, which determined the degree of sunburn damage to human health, involved more than 100,000 American girls. It turned out that the greatest danger scorching sun's rays pose to young people who have not reached 20 years of age.
Despite the fact that the study was conducted solely with the involvement of the female population, scientists say that the results will also be valid for men. 20 years, young people of both sexes manage to obtain 3-5 sunburn.
Also at risk was red-haired people. In addition to the fiery hair color they have, as a rule, there is one more distinctive feature – a huge number of moles that cover their body. And sunburn, which will be in place of moles, with high probability it can force to become a harmless spot on the skin a cancerous tumor.
Also careful to sunbathe scientists suggest people with light skin. Typically, such skin is very sensitive to sunlight, causing its possessor is more likely to get redness and burns.
In connection with the danger which was revealed in the course of scientific work, the specialists strongly recommend not to neglect the means of protection and to use sunscreen.
However, one recent study showed that sunscreen must be periodically washed away and apply a new one. Otherwise, such protection would do more harm than good. According to statistics, the most common cancer in young people up to 30 years is cancer of the skin.
Source: zeleneet.com
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