The most absurd scientific research
Sometimes scientific publications published reports on research that in fact do not carry any payload. And the phrase "British scientists have proved..." has become a household name and is preceded by information about the next nonsense. In this post examples of these stupid studies.
Scientists from the University of Bristol have identified how best to dip in drinks to cookies. Their achievements were published in the journal Nature.
Scientists from the research center, Shiseido in Yokohama came to the conclusion that people who think that their feet stink, feet are really starting to smell bad, and people who do not think about their malodorous feet, feet don't smell.
Researchers from the Department of health of Oregon and the Liverpool school of tropical medicine have proved that pigs get infected with Salmonella on the way to slaughter.
Professor of psychiatry, John Mack of Harvard medical school and Professor of history David Jacobs from Templestowe University came to the conclusion that people are convinced that they were abducted by space aliens probably was stolen.
Researchers from the Japan meteorological Agency for a long time earnestly tried to prove that earthquakes occur due to the fact that the soma is too high twirl tails. This version was never officially confirmed.
In scientific work, published in the journal of Periodontology in 1990, cited evidence that consumers prefer to brush teeth nylon dental floss than wax
International journal "Neurology" published a report entitled "the Impact of unilateral forced nasal breathing on cognition". In other words, scientists tried to prove, does that make us smarter breath through one nostril.
In the Institute of food research in the UK did an analysis of Breakfast cereal. Their work scientists called "a study of the influence of humidity on the seal of cereals".
M. K. Bakkevig of Sintef Unimed in Norway and R. Nielsen technical University of Denmark published a comprehensive study, which proved conclusively that it is not recommended to wear wet underwear in the cold. Full title reads: "Impact of wet underwear on thermoregulatory responses and thermal comfort in the cold".
At the University of Bergen in Norway researchers published a report titled "Effect of ale, garlic and soured cream on the appetite of leeches."
Researchers from the University of Buffalo made the discovery, published in the journal of Periodontology," people experiencing a significant shortage of financial resources, have more severe dental problems than those who have a lot of money
In the European journal of physics published an article devoted to the description theory, which States that sandwich often falls to land butter side down.
Scientists from the University hospital in Germany, Medical University Kansai in Japan and research Centre for Neurotechnology in the Czech Republic submitted its scientific report on the research of multi-channel electroencephalograms of people chewing gum with different flavors.
Researchers from the University of Wilkes, together with the employees of the company Muzak limited in Seattle found that listening to background music in elevators helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds.
At the University of Albany, state of new York, was published the scientific article, titled "Ablation of chickens as a measure of wind speed in a tornado".
Harold Hillman of the University of Surrey (UK) made a report entitled "Possible pain at the time of the death penalty conducted by different methods." In it, he concluded that "all methods of execution people, with the possible exception of intravenous injection, likely to cause pain."
Researchers at the University of East Anglia calculated, what forms must be the spout, so it didn't drip.
And one scientist from Dalhousie University compared the palatability of tadpoles during the dry season in Costa Rica.
The Dutch scientist of Russian origin, Andre Geim of the University of Namagenshu together with Michael berry from the University of Bristol conducted a study using a magnet in order to demonstrate the flight of the frogs in the air.
Scientists from the University of Corneille and the University of Illinois made his modest scientific contribution entitled "Unskilled and unaware of it: How difficulties in recognizing their own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments".
In the Scottish medical journal published an alarming report entitled "the Collapse of toilets in Glasgow".
In McGill University scientists created a furor by posting an impressive medical report titled "Injuries caused by falling coconuts".
David Schmidt from the University of Massachusetts gave a partial explanation of the phenomenon inside the curtains blow out when the soul.
Source: /users/104
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