Sweden wants to abandon fossil fuels

Already today, district heating 60 th växjö is supplied from CHP plants running on biomass. Collection, sorting and recycling of municipal waste allows to obtain biogas is used to drive city buses. In 2013, the processing of 3000 tons of waste contributed to the production of 1.3 million cubic meters of gas. In the future we plan to double the amount due to cover the whole residential sector. A large share of electricity produced by wind turbines and solar panels. Also the city authorities extend the public transport network and encourage citizens to use electric vehicles and elektrobayka.
In Stockholm get energy from biomass. In one of the city's district heating is provided from a biogas plant. Currently, the construction of energy efficient buildings 12 thousand apartments and 35 thousand offices. These houses are planned, the total level of energopotreblenija not exceeding 55 kW-h per 1 square meter per year. Emissions from transport will reduce the entry fee to the city center.
Source: greenevolution.ru
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