Sharks lift the economy tourist countries
Sharks don't much care for your stomach and eat almost anything they come across, starting with sea turtles, and ending banal nails. It is this feature that allows the tourists to lure predators ordinary fish bait. Here, only the skeptics believe that this turn of events will have bad consequences for both sides, after all, sharks may begin to associate people with food.
But the specialist in the study of sharks and their behavior from the University of Miami, Neil Hammerschlag, argues that these predators rarely attack people for no reason. But the possibility of violation of their natural migration, why would you sail in the open sea in search of food, if bipedal regularly supplying it, still need to check. In fact, in this case, the water world will lose a top predator that is responsible for natural selection and ecological balance.
Neil argues that, as long as the authorities and scientists, was not able to verify any of the above-mentioned concerns, so he decided to conduct his own research. The biologist attached to the dorsal fin of sharks with satellite transmitters and tracked their behavior in areas where a progressive eco-tourism provides them with sustenance, and where this practice is strictly prohibited. Neil watched 11 10 Florida and the Bahamas predators for almost a year. The scientist admits that he expected a certain slackness in the movement of tame animals, because they received all the necessary without any extra effort.
“The most interesting that everything turned out just the opposite,” says Neil. Florida tiger sharks had sailed only a thousand miles from home and no more, but the Bahamas, though, and had everything that the stomach is necessary, still had to overcome huge distances. Some swam to 3.5 thousand kilometers into the Atlantic ocean and spent there for several months. This trend can be explained by size, as larger animals tend to reach large distances.
Whatever it was, the scientist managed to prove thatecotourism, in its normal manifestation, does not harm the sharks. In addition, it will allow us to feel their economic profitwithout killing the already endangered and very important predators for their fins and oil. Neil advises all countries that have the opportunity to promote diving with sharks. Such practices not only benefit the economy but will help protect animals in their native waters. As for the different concerns, forget about them and rely on the facts.
Source: /users/1

But the specialist in the study of sharks and their behavior from the University of Miami, Neil Hammerschlag, argues that these predators rarely attack people for no reason. But the possibility of violation of their natural migration, why would you sail in the open sea in search of food, if bipedal regularly supplying it, still need to check. In fact, in this case, the water world will lose a top predator that is responsible for natural selection and ecological balance.

Neil argues that, as long as the authorities and scientists, was not able to verify any of the above-mentioned concerns, so he decided to conduct his own research. The biologist attached to the dorsal fin of sharks with satellite transmitters and tracked their behavior in areas where a progressive eco-tourism provides them with sustenance, and where this practice is strictly prohibited. Neil watched 11 10 Florida and the Bahamas predators for almost a year. The scientist admits that he expected a certain slackness in the movement of tame animals, because they received all the necessary without any extra effort.

“The most interesting that everything turned out just the opposite,” says Neil. Florida tiger sharks had sailed only a thousand miles from home and no more, but the Bahamas, though, and had everything that the stomach is necessary, still had to overcome huge distances. Some swam to 3.5 thousand kilometers into the Atlantic ocean and spent there for several months. This trend can be explained by size, as larger animals tend to reach large distances.

Whatever it was, the scientist managed to prove thatecotourism, in its normal manifestation, does not harm the sharks. In addition, it will allow us to feel their economic profitwithout killing the already endangered and very important predators for their fins and oil. Neil advises all countries that have the opportunity to promote diving with sharks. Such practices not only benefit the economy but will help protect animals in their native waters. As for the different concerns, forget about them and rely on the facts.
Source: /users/1
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