Useful properties of chamomile
Chamomile – a very valuable plant that nature gave us. Useful properties of chamomile cannot be counted on the fingers, it is almost on all occasions. Here are a few of these miraculous properties: antiseptic, hemostatic, diaphoretic, disinfectant, analgesic, choleretic, astringent, sedative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and so on.
The secret of useful properties of chamomile lies in its composition, they then come to us for help in difficult times. Are proteins, essential oils, bitterness, gum, mucilage and many other substances.
Since ancient times people knew about its properties to prevent or cure ailments. For this reason, she still occupies one of leading places in folk medicine.
Chemical elements and their compounds that are present in the plant well with stomach cramps and excessive flatulence, disinfect wounds, help with pain and inflammation in the throat, bruises, swelling, ulcer disease.
Chamomile is good for the entire digestive tract — stimulates the production of bile, gastric juice, improves appetite and at the same time, a favorable effect on the mucous membrane of the organs. Flowers plants like activated coal, work as an absorbent, and mucus that is present in its color, coats the stomach and reduces pain.
Traditional practitioners suggest to resort to the help of this gift of nature with diarrhea, meteorism, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, spasms, colitis , gastritis, to stimulate the gall bladder and ducts.
Girls and women, too, without it no where. She is a faithful assistant in all matters of beauty. After shampooing decoction hair becomes manageable, shiny and stronger follicles. Almost all lotions and creams contain chamomile, as it soothes and nourishes sensitive skin.
The therapeutic properties and contraindications Not only in folk medicine by the natural properties of chamomile. Doctors prescribe it in viral diseases and infectious diseases, especially for children. The infusion plants throw heat, soothes, improves sleep.Chamomile is the true enemy of the common cold. Chamomile infusion drink for antipyretic and diaphoretic effects, therefore it is simply irreplaceable in influenza, SARS, flu. Fast, and most importantly a universal recipe of chamomile for the treatment of:
Only is broken or dried plant is ground and then pour boiling water, 1 tablespoon of plant per Cup of water. Infuse to cool, covering the top of the bowl. After – filter.
A glass of decoction is divided into three parts and take warm 30 minutes before a meal or for passing hours after eating. You can also use for rinsing for any diseases of the oral cavity.
The recipe is versatile, for the reason that it is not only applicable for colds, but also in other diseases of the internal organs. To sweeten the beverage, it is good to use the honey if there is no allergic reaction on this helpful, but non-allergenic product.
Useful properties of chamomile are invaluable to the female half of the population, because to relieve pain and cramps during menstruation. Accelerates the process of treatment for fungal and sexually transmitted diseases.
If you use the infusion with butter or cream three times a day, treats gallstone disease.
Painful joints and rheumatism treated with infusion of chamomile oil:
Chopped freshly picked chamomile flowers pour olive oil and infuse for a month. Then sterilize in a water bath, cool, strain. Reception – 3 times daily one teaspoon.
But, what would have been the useful properties of chamomile, as if all her praise, there are a number of contraindications.
It is necessary to consider features of the organism and not be ruled out that some of the components of its composition intolerable by the body. This is purely individually. Always use the tea plant is not necessary. Affects the heart muscle and may become more frequent rhythm of its contractions, it will cause headache and fatigue. Also, do not take chamomile during pregnancy.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru