20 plants to promote health
Forty nine million eight hundred forty two thousand nine hundred sixty six
Experienced travelers and not once mom is well aware of the ability of ginger to quell nausea. Magical properties of white root will be useful in dealing with sea sickness. Ginger allows you to get rid of the discomfort of nausea when you are sailing or takeoff, in the early stages of pregnancy and the appearance of side effects of the chemo.
Ginger candy you can find at your local pharmacy and natural product store can be added in small quantities in tea.
It is no coincidence that Daisy like the Sun, emitting bright rays of light. Like a star that gives life to our planet, the Daisy has a wide range of medicinal properties. For example, it is traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic and is prescribed if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. So chamomile teas and tinctures are useful in respiratory events and abdominal pain.
Ah Yes, a Daisy is recommended for the easing of strained nervous strings and chronic insomnia.
If you're having a stressful day and you did not manage to sleep, apply a couple tablespoons of chamomile jam instead of alcohol.
Thanks to the teleshopping on the couch ginseng root known to the General public as the agent of male power. Actually, the range of useful features of the plant is much broader. Ginseng is often included in the composition of energy drinks for its stimulating properties. This root has a General tonic effect, increases blood pressure, suppresses drowsiness, reduces lethargy and fatigue, and also increases the efficiency of the brain. Ginseng include non alcoholic beverages and consumed in the form of tablets, capsules or powder.
The plant is also known by other names — licorice and licorice. Have useful properties, not the tops and roots. What? It is possible to enumerate long, but the main ones are: anti-inflammatory, laxative, expectorant, antacid, enveloping. That is, the licorice will help in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastritis, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, and many other ills. In the East, and licorice is included in the diet of patients with diabetes and is used in the treatment of some diseases of the reproductive system. Like their green "colleagues", licorice is often added to hot drinks.
Stinging nettle leaves remember, each priest Tomboy. In the hands of grandma a couple of the plants coped well with excessive speed, excessive curiosity and the desire to strange experiments.
If you move away from the playful educational applications, it can be noted that the hemostatic effect of the nettle increases blood clotting, and is therefore used for healing wounds, treatment of burns and stop internal bleeding.
Beauties and metrosexuals note: the decoction of the plant rescues from hair loss, promotes their strengthening and getting rid of dandruff.
Besides the usual teas, ointments and shampoos, nettle added to salads and cooked from her noble multivitamin soup.
Black tea
The statistics is not known, what people often associate tea: in the way to kill work time with a reason to stop at the light or with the method of get rid of bags under the eyes. Whatever it was, and the wonder-workers, and would-be lovers, and the zombie Internet users still do not forget about the other positive property of the drink. And we are talking about the beneficial effects of black tea on the cardiovascular system.
Regular but proper use of tea helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.
The right drink does not imply excessive frequency and strength of the tea.
A unique plant is able to heal not only the body but the soul. Let's start with the first position. We all know how fertile lavender effect on our nervous system in the form of therapeutic baths or oil. But less common knowledge that various forms of plants used in the treatment of migraine, rheumatism and inflammation of the joints, sprains and paralysis.
As for the subtle matter, the eponymous Soviet netlenka Sofia Rotaru could become the most effective remedy for a fragile broken heart girl.
Biology class. Cinnamon is real and fake. The right cinnamon can still be called true, but the "fake" correct to dignify Cassia or Chinese cinnamon.
Lesson medicine. It was the Cassia, and gives a pharmaceutical effect in the treatment of diabetes of the second type. On the Internet you will be able to learn more about the beneficial effects of Chinese cinnamon on blood sugar levels.
If you live by the principle "what is natural is not ugly" and not ashamed to Express signs of bloating, because "all his", do not hesitate to go to eat all the greenery.
And if you know the sense of shame, but you don't know how to get rid of bloating, try to brew fennel seeds. Of course, get gripe water in the first place will be a faithful ally to young parents in the battle with unstable digestion of their kids.
Despite its name, the plant is not able to cut from the hoof of a wild beast, whom I really liked your sitting posture in the bushes. So don't try to dismiss a branch of St. John's wort. Invite the animal to eat together, that he will feel dizzy, and your body will appear natural antidepressant, which is such an exciting moment Oh, how useful.
Yes, the ability to mitigate anxiety disorder and is famous for St John's wort.
Want to sing not worse than Nikolai Baskov in the old is a tea brand? Morning eggnog nothing to do with. Add to a hot drink mint!
Mint leaves contain substances that have healing effect in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, hoarseness and hoarseness, and bronchitis.
Another good mint teas help with inflammation of the gums, tooth pain and unpleasant sensations in the throat.
Remember, in my childhood we was applied to the fresh wound plantain leaves? This natural bandage helped stop the bleeding. And for the following wound healing was used an ointment based on calendula. A powerful bactericidal effect of the plant will also help in the treatment of burns, sores and sore throat — a nasty and annoying sores.
Just a couple of words about the fact that eucalyptus oil has antiseptic properties, it has antiseptic effect. More interesting is the fact that the use of eucalyptus for insect repellent. Insecticidal properties of plants are well known to manufacturers of the relevant drugs. But there is no research on the effectiveness of the use of eucalyptus for repelling adhesive men-flies. Is that spray in the eyes!
The controversial plant, on the beneficial and harmful properties of which a lot of rumors. But be guided by facts: comfrey excluded from the list of medicinal plants in several European countries and in the United States grassy products containing comfrey not recommended for internal use. What up to the edges, traditional medicine attributes to the plant's ability to repair damaged bone. To contact or not — you decide.
Ladies, if on the 8th of March you get a bouquet of chrysanthemums, but your friend — roses, it is not necessary to ridicule for it my man. View to the East: in Chinese folk medicine, the leaves of the plant is prescribed for migraines, and dried flowers to enhance appetite. It's possible that your date took the example from his Asian brother and prudently made the right choice.
Tricky Heartbreakers with rosemary find the key to the men's wallet of the heart.
Rate it: rosemary essential oil includes enticing notes in perfumes, and a pleasant spiciness adds culinary masterpieces special shades. In this scenario, the chances of rescue remains. For medical purposes the rosemary is useful as a means to improve brain activity, memory, and vision.
Or passionflower. The etymology of the name of the plant is connected with religion. Christians tend to see in the flower image of the suffering (passion) of Christ.
Setting aside the speculation, that conventional medicine uses the extract of passion flower for the production of a sedative (calming) and anxioliticeski (antianxiety) drugs. Fear and mental tension has no place next to passionflower.
Which product the first step is to stock up in preparation for the series of events? Right, parsley. This plant will be a lifesaver for your bad breath after a heavy libations and gluttony. Yes, due to the high concentration of chlorophyll parsley eliminates bad breath.
Only lazy people in our time do not kick the smokers. No, I'm not defending the fans of cigarettes, but sometimes their persecutions resemble persecution. Though, maybe, and rightly so, they us passive smokers, do not hesitate protravlivayut. But no matter how was tobacco on the General background of negative thread there is and useful properties. For example, it is useful as a quick anesthetic when they bite bees. And rumor has it that soaked tobacco will pull toxins from a wound.
No wonder sage is at the forefront of the pharmacy shelves. Because the plant is a powerful fist passed across the face of a large number of human ailments.
Sage has a therapeutic effect in diarrhea, liver disease, respiratory tract, toothache, inflammation of the mouth and many, many others. In General, this plant should often be in your mug of tea.
Peter Glukhov
Source: news.day.az/society/544897.html
Experienced travelers and not once mom is well aware of the ability of ginger to quell nausea. Magical properties of white root will be useful in dealing with sea sickness. Ginger allows you to get rid of the discomfort of nausea when you are sailing or takeoff, in the early stages of pregnancy and the appearance of side effects of the chemo.
Ginger candy you can find at your local pharmacy and natural product store can be added in small quantities in tea.
It is no coincidence that Daisy like the Sun, emitting bright rays of light. Like a star that gives life to our planet, the Daisy has a wide range of medicinal properties. For example, it is traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic and is prescribed if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. So chamomile teas and tinctures are useful in respiratory events and abdominal pain.
Ah Yes, a Daisy is recommended for the easing of strained nervous strings and chronic insomnia.
If you're having a stressful day and you did not manage to sleep, apply a couple tablespoons of chamomile jam instead of alcohol.
Thanks to the teleshopping on the couch ginseng root known to the General public as the agent of male power. Actually, the range of useful features of the plant is much broader. Ginseng is often included in the composition of energy drinks for its stimulating properties. This root has a General tonic effect, increases blood pressure, suppresses drowsiness, reduces lethargy and fatigue, and also increases the efficiency of the brain. Ginseng include non alcoholic beverages and consumed in the form of tablets, capsules or powder.
The plant is also known by other names — licorice and licorice. Have useful properties, not the tops and roots. What? It is possible to enumerate long, but the main ones are: anti-inflammatory, laxative, expectorant, antacid, enveloping. That is, the licorice will help in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastritis, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, and many other ills. In the East, and licorice is included in the diet of patients with diabetes and is used in the treatment of some diseases of the reproductive system. Like their green "colleagues", licorice is often added to hot drinks.
Stinging nettle leaves remember, each priest Tomboy. In the hands of grandma a couple of the plants coped well with excessive speed, excessive curiosity and the desire to strange experiments.
If you move away from the playful educational applications, it can be noted that the hemostatic effect of the nettle increases blood clotting, and is therefore used for healing wounds, treatment of burns and stop internal bleeding.
Beauties and metrosexuals note: the decoction of the plant rescues from hair loss, promotes their strengthening and getting rid of dandruff.
Besides the usual teas, ointments and shampoos, nettle added to salads and cooked from her noble multivitamin soup.
Black tea
The statistics is not known, what people often associate tea: in the way to kill work time with a reason to stop at the light or with the method of get rid of bags under the eyes. Whatever it was, and the wonder-workers, and would-be lovers, and the zombie Internet users still do not forget about the other positive property of the drink. And we are talking about the beneficial effects of black tea on the cardiovascular system.
Regular but proper use of tea helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.
The right drink does not imply excessive frequency and strength of the tea.
A unique plant is able to heal not only the body but the soul. Let's start with the first position. We all know how fertile lavender effect on our nervous system in the form of therapeutic baths or oil. But less common knowledge that various forms of plants used in the treatment of migraine, rheumatism and inflammation of the joints, sprains and paralysis.
As for the subtle matter, the eponymous Soviet netlenka Sofia Rotaru could become the most effective remedy for a fragile broken heart girl.
Biology class. Cinnamon is real and fake. The right cinnamon can still be called true, but the "fake" correct to dignify Cassia or Chinese cinnamon.
Lesson medicine. It was the Cassia, and gives a pharmaceutical effect in the treatment of diabetes of the second type. On the Internet you will be able to learn more about the beneficial effects of Chinese cinnamon on blood sugar levels.
If you live by the principle "what is natural is not ugly" and not ashamed to Express signs of bloating, because "all his", do not hesitate to go to eat all the greenery.
And if you know the sense of shame, but you don't know how to get rid of bloating, try to brew fennel seeds. Of course, get gripe water in the first place will be a faithful ally to young parents in the battle with unstable digestion of their kids.
Despite its name, the plant is not able to cut from the hoof of a wild beast, whom I really liked your sitting posture in the bushes. So don't try to dismiss a branch of St. John's wort. Invite the animal to eat together, that he will feel dizzy, and your body will appear natural antidepressant, which is such an exciting moment Oh, how useful.
Yes, the ability to mitigate anxiety disorder and is famous for St John's wort.
Want to sing not worse than Nikolai Baskov in the old is a tea brand? Morning eggnog nothing to do with. Add to a hot drink mint!
Mint leaves contain substances that have healing effect in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, hoarseness and hoarseness, and bronchitis.
Another good mint teas help with inflammation of the gums, tooth pain and unpleasant sensations in the throat.
Remember, in my childhood we was applied to the fresh wound plantain leaves? This natural bandage helped stop the bleeding. And for the following wound healing was used an ointment based on calendula. A powerful bactericidal effect of the plant will also help in the treatment of burns, sores and sore throat — a nasty and annoying sores.
Just a couple of words about the fact that eucalyptus oil has antiseptic properties, it has antiseptic effect. More interesting is the fact that the use of eucalyptus for insect repellent. Insecticidal properties of plants are well known to manufacturers of the relevant drugs. But there is no research on the effectiveness of the use of eucalyptus for repelling adhesive men-flies. Is that spray in the eyes!
The controversial plant, on the beneficial and harmful properties of which a lot of rumors. But be guided by facts: comfrey excluded from the list of medicinal plants in several European countries and in the United States grassy products containing comfrey not recommended for internal use. What up to the edges, traditional medicine attributes to the plant's ability to repair damaged bone. To contact or not — you decide.
Ladies, if on the 8th of March you get a bouquet of chrysanthemums, but your friend — roses, it is not necessary to ridicule for it my man. View to the East: in Chinese folk medicine, the leaves of the plant is prescribed for migraines, and dried flowers to enhance appetite. It's possible that your date took the example from his Asian brother and prudently made the right choice.
Tricky Heartbreakers with rosemary find the key to the men's wallet of the heart.
Rate it: rosemary essential oil includes enticing notes in perfumes, and a pleasant spiciness adds culinary masterpieces special shades. In this scenario, the chances of rescue remains. For medical purposes the rosemary is useful as a means to improve brain activity, memory, and vision.
Or passionflower. The etymology of the name of the plant is connected with religion. Christians tend to see in the flower image of the suffering (passion) of Christ.
Setting aside the speculation, that conventional medicine uses the extract of passion flower for the production of a sedative (calming) and anxioliticeski (antianxiety) drugs. Fear and mental tension has no place next to passionflower.
Which product the first step is to stock up in preparation for the series of events? Right, parsley. This plant will be a lifesaver for your bad breath after a heavy libations and gluttony. Yes, due to the high concentration of chlorophyll parsley eliminates bad breath.
Only lazy people in our time do not kick the smokers. No, I'm not defending the fans of cigarettes, but sometimes their persecutions resemble persecution. Though, maybe, and rightly so, they us passive smokers, do not hesitate protravlivayut. But no matter how was tobacco on the General background of negative thread there is and useful properties. For example, it is useful as a quick anesthetic when they bite bees. And rumor has it that soaked tobacco will pull toxins from a wound.
No wonder sage is at the forefront of the pharmacy shelves. Because the plant is a powerful fist passed across the face of a large number of human ailments.
Sage has a therapeutic effect in diarrhea, liver disease, respiratory tract, toothache, inflammation of the mouth and many, many others. In General, this plant should often be in your mug of tea.
Peter Glukhov
Source: news.day.az/society/544897.html