Month in the garden and the garden
• In the garden regularly skachivaya grass under the fruit trees, otherwise they will deprive trees of nutrients. With abundant watering of plants in drought soil washed away nutrients. In the first half of the month to feed the fruit trees with the ovaries and those that are poorly developed.
• In the second half of July the nutrients to the Apple tree, promote ripening of fruits, and help build flower buds, collected in the roots and wood. In tree trunks apples make 2 cups of ash. Until July 20 useful foliar fertilizing with urea solution.
• Foliar application of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers, and micronutrients nourish plants quickly: water in a bucket – ammonium nitrate (25-30 g), superphosphate (50-60 g), potassium salt (30-40 g) or wood ash (100-150 g). Spray the trees early in the morning or at night solution dry and not too fast.
• Berry bushes to feed at the time of the ripening berries for 3-4 weeks before picking berries. Raspberry loves diluted manure slurry (1:10) diluted or bird droppings (1:20).
Feeding in the garden
• Very responsive to feeding cucumbers and tomatoes. Two or three times a month to feed their infusion of a liquid solution of mullein or bird droppings. You can prepare a herbal infusion – the extract from the herb nourishes the soil biologically active substances. Fill the barrel half grass without seeds (nettles, chickweed, plantain), fill to the brim with water, cover the barrel with plastic wrap, securing the strapping. Infusion wanders 2 weeks, blowing bubbles, acquires the smell of grass decomposition. In a bucket of water, add 1 bucket of infusion. Pour infusion of herbs in the bowls and put in the cucumber range, the number of ovaries will increase significantly.
• For the active capacity of the leaves to feed organic of mid and late white cabbage and red cabbage: infusion of bird droppings (1:20) or mullein (1:10). On poor soils at 1 m beds make granulated superphosphate (40 g) or potassium sulfate (30 g).
Source: www.ldacha.ru
• In the second half of July the nutrients to the Apple tree, promote ripening of fruits, and help build flower buds, collected in the roots and wood. In tree trunks apples make 2 cups of ash. Until July 20 useful foliar fertilizing with urea solution.
• Foliar application of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers, and micronutrients nourish plants quickly: water in a bucket – ammonium nitrate (25-30 g), superphosphate (50-60 g), potassium salt (30-40 g) or wood ash (100-150 g). Spray the trees early in the morning or at night solution dry and not too fast.
• Berry bushes to feed at the time of the ripening berries for 3-4 weeks before picking berries. Raspberry loves diluted manure slurry (1:10) diluted or bird droppings (1:20).
Feeding in the garden
• Very responsive to feeding cucumbers and tomatoes. Two or three times a month to feed their infusion of a liquid solution of mullein or bird droppings. You can prepare a herbal infusion – the extract from the herb nourishes the soil biologically active substances. Fill the barrel half grass without seeds (nettles, chickweed, plantain), fill to the brim with water, cover the barrel with plastic wrap, securing the strapping. Infusion wanders 2 weeks, blowing bubbles, acquires the smell of grass decomposition. In a bucket of water, add 1 bucket of infusion. Pour infusion of herbs in the bowls and put in the cucumber range, the number of ovaries will increase significantly.
• For the active capacity of the leaves to feed organic of mid and late white cabbage and red cabbage: infusion of bird droppings (1:20) or mullein (1:10). On poor soils at 1 m beds make granulated superphosphate (40 g) or potassium sulfate (30 g).
Source: www.ldacha.ru
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