"Smart" glasses will help to restore sight
A common misconception about blindness is that it means a complete lack of ability to see. However, the majority of those who are officially recognized by the blind, still unable to see anything. The term "officially recognized blind" means that the ability to vision is 20/200 or worse even with glasses or corrective lenses, such people have bad eyesight and need a cane or guide dogs. However, a group of researchers from Oxford University (UK) has created a pair of high-tech smart glasses that help people with disabilities to look at the world differently.
On the bow of "smart" glasses mounted video camera. Little CPU allows a computer program to convert the camera video to images. Lens glasses display them as a series of visually enhanced outlines, while closer objects have a bright outline. If you look at the people, the "smart" glasses can even display the traits of their full vision. they do not replace, so those people who do not see at all, these glasses will not help, but people with limited vision glasses can, for example, indicate the obstacle along the way. They also work well in dim light, which also can be useful for those who have trouble seeing at night.
The first test points ended successfully. The researchers found that for points very easy to get used to, and those people who possessed minimal ability to vision, has benefited from a new device. One of the volunteers even noticed it for the first time in my life I saw my guide dog. Future tests will include walking with obstacles, as well as walks in public places, such as, for example, a shopping Mall.
Although today's prototype glasses are cumbersome, the researchers are confident that they will be able to reduce them to the size of normal sunglasses. The team also hopes that she will be able to sell its product at a reasonable price, so how much are smartphones. It is further planned to develop a headset that will play an audio recording describing what is happening around.
Anastasiya Polyanskaya.
According to the materials DVICE is.
Source: nauka21vek.ru

On the bow of "smart" glasses mounted video camera. Little CPU allows a computer program to convert the camera video to images. Lens glasses display them as a series of visually enhanced outlines, while closer objects have a bright outline. If you look at the people, the "smart" glasses can even display the traits of their full vision. they do not replace, so those people who do not see at all, these glasses will not help, but people with limited vision glasses can, for example, indicate the obstacle along the way. They also work well in dim light, which also can be useful for those who have trouble seeing at night.
The first test points ended successfully. The researchers found that for points very easy to get used to, and those people who possessed minimal ability to vision, has benefited from a new device. One of the volunteers even noticed it for the first time in my life I saw my guide dog. Future tests will include walking with obstacles, as well as walks in public places, such as, for example, a shopping Mall.
Although today's prototype glasses are cumbersome, the researchers are confident that they will be able to reduce them to the size of normal sunglasses. The team also hopes that she will be able to sell its product at a reasonable price, so how much are smartphones. It is further planned to develop a headset that will play an audio recording describing what is happening around.
Anastasiya Polyanskaya.
According to the materials DVICE is.
Source: nauka21vek.ru
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