Hierve El Agua stone waterfall in Mexico
Hierve El Agua is located in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, about 70 km East of Oaxaca city, and 14 km South-East from the town of Mitla. Hierve el Agua in Spanish means “boiling water” — the name comes from the bubbling natural mineral springs. These sources create small pools on a spectacular cliff. When you approach Hierve El Agua from afar, it looks like a waterfall frozen in the mountainside. But the ice is impossible in this hot climate. This is actually mineral deposits formed over thousands of years ago as a result of the rich minerals of water flowing over the edge of the cliff and trickling down the rocks. While the water runs over the cliff, it forms large stalactites.
Hierve El Agua consists of two vodopodgotovki rock formations. They are formed by rocks more than fifty feet tall. Small streams formed by several waterfalls and streams that falling from different heights. One of these waterfalls to 12 meters in height called Cascade Chica is the smallest of streams. There is a large flow of the Grande Cascade, which falls from the plateau to 90 meters wide and 80 meters high.
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Source: www.meteoprog.ua/ru/news/48143/