Best childhood in the world

Four million six hundred sixty nine thousand four hundred forty eight

Degre Tippi (Tippi Degré) was born in Africa in a family of French wildlife photographers and spent her childhood so that it is impossible not to envy. She was born in June 1990 and grew up in the African desert, setting an unusually close relationship with many wild animals did not touch her, but rather strongly guarded.

I think that her parents are careless and the child in danger? As it is not so!

In the ten age girl explored African thickets, crawling on all fours. Africa was her home for ten years, allowing Tippy to make friends with predatory animals, as well as the natives of Namibia. For a little girl to hug a giant toad was as natural as for us — Teddy bear.

The girl's parents wrote a book about her childhood "Tippi of Africa" (Tippi of Africa), which was published in 1998. They also made a documentary film "Bridging Gap to Africa" (Building a bridge to Africa), after which the girl-Mowgli has become popular.


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