Free fatty acids are as effective as antibiotics

Researchers at the University of Rhode island found that free fatty acids are composed of compounds similar to those in the body, can be just as effective in fighting certain infections as antibiotics.
Leonard Mermel who participated in the study, said: "more and more bacteria develop resistance to widely used antibiotics. This study shows that in some cases, there is an alternative in the prevention and treatment of infections caused by intravenous catheters".
Researchers have studied the use of specific antimicrobial lock solutions for the treatment of catheter-associated bloodstream infections and found that these compounds are equally, if not more effective than antibiotics in treating catheter infections.
Co-author Kerry LaPlante: "Some free fatty acids have the ability to fight bacteria and viruses. These unique compounds may provide an alternative to traditional antibiotics for the prevention and treatment of many intravenous catheter infections."
Source: nauka24news.ru/