Scientists have created self-cleaning cashmere

A team of researchers from the Hong Kong city University has recently developed a cashmere fabric with a special coating that cleans itself under the sunlight for 24 hours. Scientists believe that any thing made from this fabric will be more durable and long lasting, due to less use of washes and dry cleaners, which also contributes to reducing water consumption and, as a consequence, the conservation of water resources and the environment.
Each Laundry and dry cleaning affects the color and texture of our clothing, which ultimately discourages our desire to wear them. Therefore, researchers from the city University in Hong Kong under the leadership of Walid Daoud decided to take the durability of the fabric, starting from luxurious cashmere. They modified the structure of the fabric, by applying to the surface of the mineral mixture of anatase titanium dioxide.

When exposed to sunlight for 24 hours in anatase titanium dioxide starts a chemical reaction with the release of oxidizers that break down dust, dirt, bacteria and any stains. And sunlight causes tiny electrical currents that contribute to a quick and easy separation of dirt particles from the surface of the material.
Of course, in addition to preserving the appearance of cashmere fabric for a long time, this technology allows to solve successfully the problems of water consumption. And though the saving of water in one (failed) washing may seem small, over time the volume of saved water becomes significant. In addition, according to the researchers, remarkable for the coating of anatase titanium dioxide only slightly increases the final cost of the cashmere fabric, which, incidentally, pays for itself quickly due to the multiple-use of dry cleaning and washing.
The video below shows the process of self-cleaning cashmere fabric with coating.
Source: www.ozemle.net
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