The main man-made dungeon world
In the tunnels under Paris took the guests even the Emperor Napoleon III. And after for visits equipped with 2 km of underground passages, they became the most famous catacombs in the world whose dark corridors inspire filmmakers, writers and game developers. However, this underground city, hiding literally under our feet, can be found in many other countries. We chose 9 of the catacombs, which should definitely go down.Catacombs Remark
Under the Eternal city hides more than 60 catacombs with a total length of about 150 km. Most of them are located along the ancient Appian way. It is believed that many of the catacombs were built by the Christians in times of persecution. Underground gallery decorated with frescoes and mosaics with scenes from the old and New Testament. In a separate catacombs electricity and they are open to the public.
Seimovskaya, katakombnaia
The construction of the catacombs began approximately in the 14th century. To build an underground network of passages, it was decided to protect the people during military conflict. The existing basements of the houses were interconnected galleries, creating almost an entire underground city with wells, warehouses with food and traps for enemies. In the catacombs could hide the residents of Znojmo, and food enough for even waiting out a long siege.
London catacombsLondon
In addition to London underground under the city is an endless network of galleries, erected in different epochs. Depending on the host they had a very different purpose: from a cemetery to a traditional underground shelters. One of the most famous is located next to the Camden market and pass under the freight yard on primrose hill. Once they served as stables for the ponies used for sorting cars. Now gallery Victorian times turned into vintage shops with antique furniture, accessories and clothing.
Odessa catacombsOdessa
Despite the fact that these catacombs are considered to be the youngest, they are the longest in the world. They appeared due to the extraction of limestone. The network of corridors extends for many kilometers, and due to the fact that the development of deposits also occurs on this day, the tunnels continue to grow. Approximately their length is estimated at 2500-3000 miles.
The catacombs of the Cathedral of San FranciscoLima
An integral part of the Cathedral and monastery of St. Francis of Assisi, built in 1774, became a network of underground tunnels. Following the tradition to bury the dead in the grounds of churches, it was used as a cemetery. Buried under the monastery until 1808, while outside the city was not built cemetery. Researchers estimate, in the catacombs was done about 70,000 burials. In addition to the crypts of the catacombs have secret passages linking to the Holy Tribunal.
Catacombs of St. Paul and St. AgathaMalta
As in the Roman Empire to bury people within the city were banned, the quarry of the cities of Mdina and Rabat adapt to the cemetery. The walls of the catacombs were covered with limestone powder, so it created its own microclimate with a constant temperature and humidity. According to legend, it was here praying the Apostle Paul, shipwrecked off the coast of Malta. In 1998, the catacombs was listed as world cultural heritage by UNESCO.
The catacombs of Sacromonte Abbey,Granada
The Abbey was founded in 1600 on the hill of Valparaiso. During the Roman Empire it was mined rocks, and the remaining steel production underground part of the Abbey. A place shrouded in many legends. According to one of them, it is in these catacombs have been found the remains of St. Cecilia. Subsequently, he was declared the patron Saint of Granada and the first Sunday of February in his honor feast.
The catacombs of the Cathedral. Stephen'sVienna
Church built in the mid 14th century was built on the site of an ancient cemetery, taking a count since Roman times. In 1732 the Emperor Charles VI forbade burial in the cemeteries inside the city walls. From this point the dead began to be buried under the ground, including in the crypts under the Cathedral. Stephen. While Joseph II ordered to kill underground tombs under the Cathedral managed to bury around 11 0000. Here lie the bodies of outstanding figures of Austria from different eras, more than 70 members of the Royal family of the Habsburgs and the Bishop's tomb is still buried higher hierarchy of the Austrian Church.
The catacombs of Kom El SucafAlexandria
Until 1900 no one suspected the existence of these catacombs, while over them accidentally struck the ground. According to estimates of archaeologists, the age of the catacombs is about 1500 years. Mostly underground galleries used for burial. The lower part of the tunnel still remains unexplored, as the tiers are flooded with groundwater. Since 1995, the catacombs opened to public visitors.
Source: krutayatema.ru

Under the Eternal city hides more than 60 catacombs with a total length of about 150 km. Most of them are located along the ancient Appian way. It is believed that many of the catacombs were built by the Christians in times of persecution. Underground gallery decorated with frescoes and mosaics with scenes from the old and New Testament. In a separate catacombs electricity and they are open to the public.
Seimovskaya, katakombnaia

The construction of the catacombs began approximately in the 14th century. To build an underground network of passages, it was decided to protect the people during military conflict. The existing basements of the houses were interconnected galleries, creating almost an entire underground city with wells, warehouses with food and traps for enemies. In the catacombs could hide the residents of Znojmo, and food enough for even waiting out a long siege.
London catacombsLondon

In addition to London underground under the city is an endless network of galleries, erected in different epochs. Depending on the host they had a very different purpose: from a cemetery to a traditional underground shelters. One of the most famous is located next to the Camden market and pass under the freight yard on primrose hill. Once they served as stables for the ponies used for sorting cars. Now gallery Victorian times turned into vintage shops with antique furniture, accessories and clothing.
Odessa catacombsOdessa

Despite the fact that these catacombs are considered to be the youngest, they are the longest in the world. They appeared due to the extraction of limestone. The network of corridors extends for many kilometers, and due to the fact that the development of deposits also occurs on this day, the tunnels continue to grow. Approximately their length is estimated at 2500-3000 miles.
The catacombs of the Cathedral of San FranciscoLima

An integral part of the Cathedral and monastery of St. Francis of Assisi, built in 1774, became a network of underground tunnels. Following the tradition to bury the dead in the grounds of churches, it was used as a cemetery. Buried under the monastery until 1808, while outside the city was not built cemetery. Researchers estimate, in the catacombs was done about 70,000 burials. In addition to the crypts of the catacombs have secret passages linking to the Holy Tribunal.
Catacombs of St. Paul and St. AgathaMalta

As in the Roman Empire to bury people within the city were banned, the quarry of the cities of Mdina and Rabat adapt to the cemetery. The walls of the catacombs were covered with limestone powder, so it created its own microclimate with a constant temperature and humidity. According to legend, it was here praying the Apostle Paul, shipwrecked off the coast of Malta. In 1998, the catacombs was listed as world cultural heritage by UNESCO.
The catacombs of Sacromonte Abbey,Granada

The Abbey was founded in 1600 on the hill of Valparaiso. During the Roman Empire it was mined rocks, and the remaining steel production underground part of the Abbey. A place shrouded in many legends. According to one of them, it is in these catacombs have been found the remains of St. Cecilia. Subsequently, he was declared the patron Saint of Granada and the first Sunday of February in his honor feast.
The catacombs of the Cathedral. Stephen'sVienna

Church built in the mid 14th century was built on the site of an ancient cemetery, taking a count since Roman times. In 1732 the Emperor Charles VI forbade burial in the cemeteries inside the city walls. From this point the dead began to be buried under the ground, including in the crypts under the Cathedral. Stephen. While Joseph II ordered to kill underground tombs under the Cathedral managed to bury around 11 0000. Here lie the bodies of outstanding figures of Austria from different eras, more than 70 members of the Royal family of the Habsburgs and the Bishop's tomb is still buried higher hierarchy of the Austrian Church.
The catacombs of Kom El SucafAlexandria

Until 1900 no one suspected the existence of these catacombs, while over them accidentally struck the ground. According to estimates of archaeologists, the age of the catacombs is about 1500 years. Mostly underground galleries used for burial. The lower part of the tunnel still remains unexplored, as the tiers are flooded with groundwater. Since 1995, the catacombs opened to public visitors.
Source: krutayatema.ru