The wind is recognized as the most efficient source of energy

The study was based on a serious analysis. So, she analyzed the production costs of energy and "energy income" — the balance between the cost of energy production and final production figures, which are generally considered to be in the final generation. The methodology involves many factors. So to calculate the efficiency of the use of coal, gas and oil to generate electricity, the company takes into account not only the cost of transportation of energy resources, but also evaluates greenhouse gas emissions and the cost of decommissioning environmental impacts from the recycling of energy. Additional costs in this sector are the cost of uninterrupted supply of water.
In the case of more progressive energy sources, solar panels and wind turbines, in the section "expenses" recorded the features of the "life cycle", that is, the natural aspects of getting electricity from sun and wind, as well as the cost of making and delivering special equipment.
The result was considered such ways of producing electricity like coal, gas, oil, nuclear plants, solar plants, hydroelectric power plants, geothermal power plants and windmills.
The most effective way of producing electricity are recognized as windmills. According to calculations of "Energy Points", wind farms pay the expenses of 11.6 times, the effectiveness of such power plants is estimated at 1164%, while the efficiency of coal-fired power plants was only 29%, oil 31%, natural gas — 38%.
Second place for energy efficiency is geothermal power plant — 514%, the third is hydroelectric — 317%, fourth place — nuclear power plant (290%), completing the top five solar power stations (207%).
Source: greenevolution.ru