The basic rules of restaurant etiquette that everyone should know

Some rules of restaurant etiquette is just common sense: don't talk when your mouth is full, don't tell fart jokes at the table and always cover your mouth when you cough.
But there are other nuances. Who pays after a business lunch? Where to put your napkin when you get up? And how to order the perfect bottle of wine? We decided to clarify some of the common issues of etiquette.
Patricia Napier-Fitzpatrick from the new York school of etiquette and author of "the Art of the meal: simple etiquette for all", shared some tips on dinner in an expensive restaurant.
1. Always well dressed,"I still maintain that men should wear a dinner jacket if not a suit," says Napier-Fitzpatrick. — Moreover, if a man dines with clients, especially from another country (which implies a more formal meeting), he should be dressed in a jacket and tie."
A woman should be in a dress or suit and shoes, not sandals.
2. Do not put your phone, keys or purse on steleto just common sense: it distracts not only your partner, but the waiter and the entire restaurant.
3. Let your guest order first,"Boss, especially if it's a woman, must show that he or she receives guests, advises Napier-Fitzpatrick. — Say something like "Bring my guest, please..." or "My guest would like to order first..." to avoid confusion". The inviting pays for the meal is a mandatory rule
4. Don't tell the sommelier how much you want to spend on visockaite the waiter what you like, what you eat, and give him an idea about the cost of wine, simply putting in the menu for a wine in your price range. The waiter will find something relevant the right price.
Don't try and pretend that you are a wine connoisseur, because otherwise you can look foolish. Just try a little wine when it will bring, and see how much you enjoy it. Rating nine out of ten — it is quite good.
5. Do not return the wine (unless it's disgusting)Rules require to leave the wine, even if you do not like it because the bottle was opened specially for you. However, if wine is really awful, you don't need to leave him. Politely explain the problem to your waiter.
6. Know where to put selfadaptive while your host will give a silent signal with his napkin on his or her lap before you start eating. When you get up (e.g. to visit the restroom), put the napkin on the chair seat.
When you are finished eating, place your napkin on the left side of the plate, gently, but not folding it. Wait until the host will do it first.
7. Do not drag across the table to try out the food of your interlocutor,"I would not recommend sharing a meal if you're dining with someone you don't know very well, or if you are on official business dinner — warns Napier-Fitzpatrick. — If you are with someone whom you know well, give him your plate of bread with a small piece of food on it."
8. Not to beckon your server reconstruites to make eye contact with your waiter. If not, raise your right hand with a raised index finger to attract his attention.
9. Send food back if it is not done properly"If you are dining with other people, and you have to send food back, your duty is to tell everyone to start without you," says Napier-Fitzpatrick. — However, if I host, I'd rather suffer, but have their own dish, even if it is not cooked the way I wanted, than to make others wait for me or feel bad."
10. Order as many dishes as your sobesednika to avoid awkwardness is at the same pace with others. Make sure you take your time and pause after a few pieces, especially if you are a landlord and don't want to force your guest to hurry.
11. Don't put your devices on the sides of the plate when you finished eating"We call it the silent code of service for the restaurant staff, explains Napier-Fitzpatrick. — When you have finished put your knife and fork together at the position of 10:20 on the plate. Put your fork tines up".
12. Don't start a business conversation before the main Bloomdale should not be discussed before you're finished the main course and it will carry. Also avoid complaints about business colleagues and work during the whole lunch.
13. And remember your manners!Often wipe your fingers and mouth with your napkin.
Cut one piece of meat or fish at a time on your plate and eat it before I cut another.
Spread bread with butter on your plate, never in the air!
Look inside your mug or Cup (not over it) when drinking.
Sit up straight and keep your arms (including elbows) on the table.

source: publy.ru
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