Many of today's students their children will not be
Ninety five million two hundred eighty two thousand seven hundred forty one
All-Russian children's health survey showed that 36 per cent of current students potentially or actually barren.
And danger threatens children and adolescents of both sexes. The boys during the examination most often revealed such diseases of the urogenital sphere, as phimosis, varicocele, senessie and inguinal hernia. If not immediately begin to treat any of these diseases at an early stage, it is unlikely that in the future you can count on the offspring.
After examination, the doctors in hot pursuit had a lot of children and adolescents with appropriate medical services, were held surgery. Recently, the Russian health Minister Yuri Shevchenko his order obliged of pediatric urology-andrology every year since the first class, to conduct medical examinations of school-age boys. A similar survey will be carried out in children's clinics, health centers or directly in schools.
In girls the situation is no better. During the all-Russian Internet teachers ' Council, the Deputy Minister of health Olga Sharapova cited data according to which from 18 to 35 per cent of Russian girls by the age of seventeen have the pathology of the reproductive system. This is largely the result of early sexual encounters — according to Olga Sharapova, has them almost every Russian student over fourteen years. Entering into an adult relationship, Teens sometimes even have no idea about the elementary rules of personal hygiene. To pay the minor personages (so tempted to say "individuals") of the female sex and then have abortions, sexually transmitted and gynecological diseases, often leading to infertility.
Source: /users/1077
All-Russian children's health survey showed that 36 per cent of current students potentially or actually barren.
And danger threatens children and adolescents of both sexes. The boys during the examination most often revealed such diseases of the urogenital sphere, as phimosis, varicocele, senessie and inguinal hernia. If not immediately begin to treat any of these diseases at an early stage, it is unlikely that in the future you can count on the offspring.
After examination, the doctors in hot pursuit had a lot of children and adolescents with appropriate medical services, were held surgery. Recently, the Russian health Minister Yuri Shevchenko his order obliged of pediatric urology-andrology every year since the first class, to conduct medical examinations of school-age boys. A similar survey will be carried out in children's clinics, health centers or directly in schools.
In girls the situation is no better. During the all-Russian Internet teachers ' Council, the Deputy Minister of health Olga Sharapova cited data according to which from 18 to 35 per cent of Russian girls by the age of seventeen have the pathology of the reproductive system. This is largely the result of early sexual encounters — according to Olga Sharapova, has them almost every Russian student over fourteen years. Entering into an adult relationship, Teens sometimes even have no idea about the elementary rules of personal hygiene. To pay the minor personages (so tempted to say "individuals") of the female sex and then have abortions, sexually transmitted and gynecological diseases, often leading to infertility.
Source: /users/1077