The beauty of women in an ironic paintings Jeanne Lorioz
French artist Jeanne Lorioz was born in 1954, studied at art School in Paris. Their delightful works, the artist openly laughing at the "magazine" beauty, capturing their magnificent, grotesque female figures in moments of contemplation, taking a bath, dance or relax sometimes with a few understated their men.
Ninety six million three hundred eighty thousand five hundred forty
Well, who else but a gay man will be placed in the Central area of his paintings so exaggerated fillet parts of the body? Meanwhile, buxom ladies artist live busy lives and breathe deeply. Go shopping, take a bath, eat and drink, dance and walk around town, take care of Pets, in General, do all what they like.
Seventeen million two hundred thirty three thousand four hundred sixty eight
And often next to their impressive figures can be seen small figures of the accompanying men. On purpose? Of course, Yes. Why? Probably in order to show how self-sufficient a woman can be, even with the extra weight and disproportionate figure. The artist invited us to laugh at the desire to lose weight to trendy anorexicas, on constant diets, counting calories. And laughter is known to prolong life and uplifting.
Sixty two million one hundred ninety three thousand six hundred one
Fifteen million three hundred thirty six thousand seven hundred nineteen
Twenty eight million five hundred seventy four thousand eight hundred twenty six
Twenty one million eighteen thousand four hundred sixty three
Eighty eight million six hundred eleven thousand eighteen
Seventy seven million two hundred seventy four thousand seven hundred sixty five
Fourteen million two hundred three thousand four hundred fifty two
materials liveinternet.ru
Source: /users/1077
Ninety six million three hundred eighty thousand five hundred forty
Well, who else but a gay man will be placed in the Central area of his paintings so exaggerated fillet parts of the body? Meanwhile, buxom ladies artist live busy lives and breathe deeply. Go shopping, take a bath, eat and drink, dance and walk around town, take care of Pets, in General, do all what they like.
Seventeen million two hundred thirty three thousand four hundred sixty eight
And often next to their impressive figures can be seen small figures of the accompanying men. On purpose? Of course, Yes. Why? Probably in order to show how self-sufficient a woman can be, even with the extra weight and disproportionate figure. The artist invited us to laugh at the desire to lose weight to trendy anorexicas, on constant diets, counting calories. And laughter is known to prolong life and uplifting.
Sixty two million one hundred ninety three thousand six hundred one
Fifteen million three hundred thirty six thousand seven hundred nineteen
Twenty eight million five hundred seventy four thousand eight hundred twenty six
Twenty one million eighteen thousand four hundred sixty three
Eighty eight million six hundred eleven thousand eighteen
Seventy seven million two hundred seventy four thousand seven hundred sixty five
Fourteen million two hundred three thousand four hundred fifty two
materials liveinternet.ru
Source: /users/1077