System TDK for wireless electric vehicle charging
In April, TDK has licensed a number of technologies WiTricity to use wireless charging platforms. This system involved the effect of magnetic resonance imaging, which uses electromagnetic waves in the range from 300 kHz to 20 MHz.
The system uses a special TDK WiTricity-pad that can be mounted in the garage floor or asphalt surface on a Parking place. Moreover, in the future, as planned by the developers, the modules can be integrated directly into the roadbed to charge electric cars in motion. Last for energy must have a special receiver in the underbody.
Currently, the complex TDK allows you to transfer 3.3 kW of energy. By 2018-2019, this figure is expected to increase to 6.6 kW.
TDK platform is expected to be endowed with "intelligent" functions. For example, a motorist can through the instrument panel or trip computer to receive a notification about the availability of nearby sites for wireless charging. In addition, the machine will be able to Park exactly over the source of energy, providing maximum efficiency of the charging process.
Source: greenevolution.ru
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