Aegagropila Linnaeus —ball rare algae found on a Sydney beach
Until recently, filamentous green algae, which are formed into balls that could be found only in two places – at the bottom of a Japanese lake and its Icelandic Meant "relative" — akan.
However, more recently, the same balloons were recorded in Australia, one of Sydney's beaches. The correct name of these algae sounds in Latin, as Aegagropila linnaei. Balls grow to the size of 12 to 30 inches, depending on the climate where they were found.
The appearance of moss balls in Australia became the first fact of their existence in the southern hemisphere of the Earth. The peculiarity of this type of algae is that they do not grow from the bottom or floating object ball algae grow in all directions from the center of the ball.
Source: mirfactov.com/
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