The European space Agency took a fantastic short film

Large international organizations are not only important research. They are also no stranger to the love of art. Here and the European space Agency (ESA) from time to time finds a free moment, and gives to the public the short films.
Fiction film Ambition ("ambition" — eng.) was financed with the European space Agency and will tell you a little story about the mysterious mentor and his pupil, who know the essence of the universe by manipulating matter. The plot of the film neatly brings the viewer to the space project to study the comet 67P/Churyumov – Gerasimenko, which is carried out with the spacecraft Rosetta.
The Director of the short film was Tomek Baginsky, a famous Polish animator, Illustrator and art Director. He is known primarily for its stunning animated movies Fallen Art and The Cathedral, the last of which was nominated for an Oscar in 2003. Also this man is a Director CG-savers, the famous Polish series The Witcher.
The main role in the short film was played by Irish actor Aiden Gillen, known to the Russian audience due to the role of Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish in the TV series "Game of thrones".
Unfortunately, the short film is not yet translated into Russian language, so to understand it you need to arm themselves with basic knowledge in English or ask a knowledgeable person to help you with the translation of dialogues. In any case, it's a very interesting video as for film fans and people close to science.
Source: hi-news.ru