Ulf Mejergren Architects presented Bum Shack for sledding

Architects Ulf Mejergren Architects presented Bum Shack for skating on the Assiniboine river in Winnipeg. Project Bum Shack with a removable sled is perfect for riding in the winter in a comfortable environment. The Bum Shack's facade is recessed in a huge pile of snow right off the Bum Shack is located in the recesses of the sled, so that visitors can make one of the sled from the side of the structure and slide down the snowy embankment. This project for the competition, "Warm Hut" (Warming Huts Competition), an annual open competition art and architecture, which encourages participants to design a temporary winter shelters.

Every sled made of wool pad attached to a thin plastic side, but by themselves the sled are painted in different shades of red, depending on how they were able to absorb the dye. Since the sled different styles and constantly rearranged by visitors, who take them for free, using them and then replace them, the facade is constantly changing. This structure is constantly being rebuilt, as long as people interact with it.

The hut itself is constructed of a wooden crisscross the fixed part and the sleds are hung on pegs on the facade. When the weather is windy and cold, these slides can remain in place to create a barrier for wind and insulation inside the hut. In more Sunny days, the slide can detach or be used as, in fact, a sledge or become impromptu seats. They are ideal for those people who like to watch the skaters glide on the frozen river, because you can hide on a comfortable seat instead of just sitting in the snow.