How to care for baby clothes
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From how we treat children's clothes, wash them, dry them, iron, depends largely on the comfort and health of the youngest members of the family. So, get acquainted with the main rules.
Large Laundry
The younger the child, the more carefully you need to approach the choice of detergent: it should not only wash well, but to be safe, do not contain harmful substances, good to vypolaskivat. For children till years it is better to use a special hypoallergenic gel or baby soap for washing. For older children, experts recommend any baby powders or gels – they are well suited for frequent washing, contain soft surfactants, they contain no phosphates and flavors, often causing irritation and allergies. Pay attention to the inscription on the packaging "Suitable for sensitive children's skin, dermatologically and clinical control, does Not contain synthetic additives and colorings", etc. in the Beginning it is better to buy a small packet of washing facilities: all of a sudden it will not work. Important and temperature, especially for the little ones: contact with the skin underwear babies up to 6 months for additional disinfection suggest to wash at a temperature of 75-90°C. Rinse the baby clothes should be more active (in the washing machine you can even twice). And, of course, have to remember that all new things it is necessary to wash and then wear.
Clean clean?
When the child grows up, stops constantly getting dirty, outerwear don't have to wash so often. With the children's spot stain good stain removers in the format of sprays (to treat/faded). Please note, you can then outerwear can be washed by hand or dry cleaning necessary. In the latter case, think about whether you want this option: is used for professional cleaning chemicals can develop allergic, and environmentally friendly dry cleaning is expensive.
Large drying
Previously, the pediatricians told us that it is best to have a "great drying" on the street or on the balcony. But in today's environment this option is suitable only if you live in an ecologically clean area: in the village or in the country, away from factories and highways, contamination and harmful substances which are deposited instantly to drying things. And in the period of active flowering (April to August) to hang wet clothes on the street and not recommended: it will settle the pollen that causes allergies.
Safer to dry things in the apartment or on the balcony if you hang them to dry in the bathroom, make sure that the walls are not formed mold because of it the child (as in adults) can develop or worsen allergies, asthma and other diseases. If the apartment became very humid, it makes sense to think about buying a system of climate control. Another option is to buy the dryer (the most common household models are about as washing and take up as much space).
The secrets of saving
To children's knitwear and woolen clothes longer maintain beautiful appearance and not stretched, it hard to wring out and hang to dry wet. It is best to first "vegetate" thing in a terrycloth towel, which will soak excess water and then lay it on another towel on a flat surface (like a table). If you do it at night – by morning the thing will already be dry or a little wet, and it can be dry on the drying rack or the clothesline.
It is necessary not only for the aesthetic side when it comes to children's clothing, Ironing and more hygienic necessity (unless, of course, things were not in the high-temperature drying cycle in a drying or washing machine). So don't forget to iron well, and ideally even steamed iron the baby's clothes and especially linen: this is an disinfection! During the first 3-4 weeks after birth, while he is not yet healed umbilical wound, iron everything on both sides. In addition, after Ironing clothes and stitching on it, become softer, much more comfortable for delicate baby skin.
Source: domashniy.ru/
From how we treat children's clothes, wash them, dry them, iron, depends largely on the comfort and health of the youngest members of the family. So, get acquainted with the main rules.
Large Laundry
The younger the child, the more carefully you need to approach the choice of detergent: it should not only wash well, but to be safe, do not contain harmful substances, good to vypolaskivat. For children till years it is better to use a special hypoallergenic gel or baby soap for washing. For older children, experts recommend any baby powders or gels – they are well suited for frequent washing, contain soft surfactants, they contain no phosphates and flavors, often causing irritation and allergies. Pay attention to the inscription on the packaging "Suitable for sensitive children's skin, dermatologically and clinical control, does Not contain synthetic additives and colorings", etc. in the Beginning it is better to buy a small packet of washing facilities: all of a sudden it will not work. Important and temperature, especially for the little ones: contact with the skin underwear babies up to 6 months for additional disinfection suggest to wash at a temperature of 75-90°C. Rinse the baby clothes should be more active (in the washing machine you can even twice). And, of course, have to remember that all new things it is necessary to wash and then wear.
Clean clean?
When the child grows up, stops constantly getting dirty, outerwear don't have to wash so often. With the children's spot stain good stain removers in the format of sprays (to treat/faded). Please note, you can then outerwear can be washed by hand or dry cleaning necessary. In the latter case, think about whether you want this option: is used for professional cleaning chemicals can develop allergic, and environmentally friendly dry cleaning is expensive.
Large drying
Previously, the pediatricians told us that it is best to have a "great drying" on the street or on the balcony. But in today's environment this option is suitable only if you live in an ecologically clean area: in the village or in the country, away from factories and highways, contamination and harmful substances which are deposited instantly to drying things. And in the period of active flowering (April to August) to hang wet clothes on the street and not recommended: it will settle the pollen that causes allergies.
Safer to dry things in the apartment or on the balcony if you hang them to dry in the bathroom, make sure that the walls are not formed mold because of it the child (as in adults) can develop or worsen allergies, asthma and other diseases. If the apartment became very humid, it makes sense to think about buying a system of climate control. Another option is to buy the dryer (the most common household models are about as washing and take up as much space).
The secrets of saving
To children's knitwear and woolen clothes longer maintain beautiful appearance and not stretched, it hard to wring out and hang to dry wet. It is best to first "vegetate" thing in a terrycloth towel, which will soak excess water and then lay it on another towel on a flat surface (like a table). If you do it at night – by morning the thing will already be dry or a little wet, and it can be dry on the drying rack or the clothesline.
It is necessary not only for the aesthetic side when it comes to children's clothing, Ironing and more hygienic necessity (unless, of course, things were not in the high-temperature drying cycle in a drying or washing machine). So don't forget to iron well, and ideally even steamed iron the baby's clothes and especially linen: this is an disinfection! During the first 3-4 weeks after birth, while he is not yet healed umbilical wound, iron everything on both sides. In addition, after Ironing clothes and stitching on it, become softer, much more comfortable for delicate baby skin.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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