Electric car Tesla Roadster received a major update

As promised, at the end of last week, the head of Tesla unveiled an update to the first electric car company. New update, according to Elon musk, will provide the convertible fresh options that will significantly increase its range – this can even be the envy of many traditional cars.
Tesla offered Roadster in three versions. The first is the increase in the reserve. The second – "Aerokit", which reduces aerodynamic drag by 15 percent. And the third – new tires with increased efficiency.
As a result the maximum distance that can pass the updated car without recharging, was about 640 miles. A similar figure, and even below have a petrol car.
According to estimates by the University of Michigan, the average savings of a new car in 2014 was about 9.4 liters per 100 km, Full tank capacity 45-50 liters is enough for a distance of approximately 520 kilometres.
According to the Mask, the update will pass on the Roadster distance from Los Angeles to San Francisco without recharging. For comparison: the previous version of the Roadster had 390-kilometer range. Thus, we are seeing a big increase.
The starting price of the Roadster is still kept at above 100 thousand dollars. Therefore, most mortals do not experience these benefits in the near future. It is expected that the same pack will sooner or later get the model S.
It is obvious that this will happen in the future, — said Musk.
The announcement came amid predictions of further development of the company. In a recent research note from Morgan Stanley, addressed to the investors, referred to the challenges that await Tesla in connection with lower prices for gasoline and diesel fuel in the result of cheaper oil. In recent months, Tesla's shares dropped more than 20 percent.
According to the forecast, by 2020, Tesla will sell about 300 thousand electric cars, not 1.5 million, as originally expected. In Morgan Stanley consider that the low oil price will not have any immediate effect on current customers, most of whom are wealthy people and have little interest in gasoline prices. At the same time, given the situation, less of car owners will switch to electric vehicles.
Source: hi-news.ru
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