Switzerland: smoked meat and St. Bernard cats, braised in white wine
Thirty seven million five hundred ninety two thousand one hundred eighty three
Meanwhile, the Swiss asked to stop eating pet cats and dogs, which are traditional local snacks. Which is not usually told to the tourists.
Dog meat is mainly used in sausages, and he is credited with properties that ease rheumatism. Cat meat is valued higher, especially with thyme and rosemary, stewed in white wine.
Welcome to Switzerland where, according to the Times 250,000 people indulge in a traditional, but the secret practice of eating Pets. Now the organization for the protection of animals appealed to the Parliament of Bern with a request to ban eating domestic cats and dogs.
Families from the cantons of Bern, Luzern, and in particular, Yura, still ate meat for the Christmas season. As in China, cat meat and dog are the traditional food dishes of the local highlanders.
"There is nothing strange in the fact that there is a dog, — said one of the farmers newspaper Le Matin. — In the way we prepare it, it has the same taste like any other meat, and, in any case, nobody knows what he eats".
"It's insidious, ask a question, — says a local resident, otherwise, we should not eat pork!". Another farmer told how he kills the dogs, and then cuts out and smokes their meat – "meat eating, no one notices that it is dog meat". In addition, the dog is prized as a snack during breaks at work.
Smoked dogs and cats are traditional Swiss snacks.
The petition calls to ban eat the meat of our four legged companions gathered since August in the "SOS" chat Noiraigue 14000подписей, was submitted to Parliament on 25 November 2014.
We will not wring his hands and moan – "stop eating my cats". Just please do not teach us to love homosexuals, not to corrupt children and not climb to us with their standards.
Source: matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/1804962.html
Meanwhile, the Swiss asked to stop eating pet cats and dogs, which are traditional local snacks. Which is not usually told to the tourists.
Dog meat is mainly used in sausages, and he is credited with properties that ease rheumatism. Cat meat is valued higher, especially with thyme and rosemary, stewed in white wine.
Welcome to Switzerland where, according to the Times 250,000 people indulge in a traditional, but the secret practice of eating Pets. Now the organization for the protection of animals appealed to the Parliament of Bern with a request to ban eating domestic cats and dogs.
Families from the cantons of Bern, Luzern, and in particular, Yura, still ate meat for the Christmas season. As in China, cat meat and dog are the traditional food dishes of the local highlanders.
"There is nothing strange in the fact that there is a dog, — said one of the farmers newspaper Le Matin. — In the way we prepare it, it has the same taste like any other meat, and, in any case, nobody knows what he eats".
"It's insidious, ask a question, — says a local resident, otherwise, we should not eat pork!". Another farmer told how he kills the dogs, and then cuts out and smokes their meat – "meat eating, no one notices that it is dog meat". In addition, the dog is prized as a snack during breaks at work.
Smoked dogs and cats are traditional Swiss snacks.
The petition calls to ban eat the meat of our four legged companions gathered since August in the "SOS" chat Noiraigue 14000подписей, was submitted to Parliament on 25 November 2014.
We will not wring his hands and moan – "stop eating my cats". Just please do not teach us to love homosexuals, not to corrupt children and not climb to us with their standards.
Source: matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/1804962.html