The first polar station on renewable energy

Belgian explorers proposed to start the "greening" of the planet from Antarctica, making it the first environmentally friendly continent of the XXI century. The Belgian Antarctic station Princess Elisabeth ("the Princess Erzebet") — the world's first "polar research station zero emission", powered by renewable energy. She was commissioned in 2004 by the Belgian government. Here 20 scientists conducting research in the field of climate change.

All polar base is powered from renewable energy sources: 8 small wind turbines, and solar panels provide all the electricity; solar thermal technology heats the snow to supply water. About 90% of the water will be reused after a thorough chemical cleaning.

It is the only database of this kind, it will allow the Belgians to save on fuel and deliver it to you. Diesel explorers will deliver, but much smaller quantities than the inhabitants of other stations (most of the bases is powered by diesel generators) — it will work with the research engines of the snowmobiles.

Due to a number of successful technical solutions for its operation requires approximately 20 times less energy than some other polar stations. So, in the rooms of base supported natural light through a system of optical fibers, and extremely low power consumption required to maintain the temperature of 18−200C is achieved by using excellent insulation.

It remains only to translate transport on alternative fuels, and then the Belgians will be able with a clear conscience to call your base Zero Emission Station ("station zero emission").