Walking at your Desk is good for the brain

As you know, sit harmful. So that we should not sit and walk or run. A new study showed that Treadmill Desk users – a combination of conventional table and treadmill – improves memory even after school in a relatively relaxed pace for a short period of time. The work was published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior.
Canadian researchers studied two groups of young people: one was an exercise in reading for 40 minutes, walking at a speed of 2.4 km/h, and the other control was performed the same task, but sitting. Ten minutes after the exercise, volunteers were asked to answer dozens of questions about the reading. Activity of brain areas responsible for attention and memory, were tracked using the electroencephalograph.
We found that the walkers was 34.9% fora to answer correctly. The use of Desk-treadmill improves brain activity associated with memory and attention, said the researchers.

Electroencephalograph reported a significant increase in alpha waves in those who read while walking. Scientists, however, speak of the need for additional research.
It should be noted that this is not the first experiment using a Treadmill Desk. Previously, other researchers have found that optimal speed of typing at a Desk-a treadmill is achieved by walking at a speed about 2 km/h.
Anyway, the benefit walk for the brain is not surprising. Has long been known that walking reduces the risk of mental and physical diseases. The advantage of a Treadmill Desk is the ability to combine a walk, reading and writing.
Unfortunately, the Desk-a treadmill is still a luxury item. Its price exceeds $ 1,200 But as they say, health is more expensive.
Source: hi-news.ru
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