Detoxification in case of poisoning with alcohol: 7 ways
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Alcohol poisoning – a condition very unpleasant. How to clean the body from alcohol? In some cases, it is possible to cope with household measures, and in which – without the help of medical not do?
Medical procedures, In some cases, cleansing the body from alcohol is to trust doctors. In the hospital it is necessary to see if the person poisoned by poor quality alcohol – it is possible that without the forced cleaning will come death. Also, physicians have to contact if a person has serious disease. In the conditions of medical institutions are infusion-drip procedure with the use of special drugs. Find use hardware techniques – hemosorption, plasmapheresis, hemodialysis. Cleaners option the doctor chooses.
Liquid diet to restore metabolic processes in the body and purify the blood from alcohol toxins, it is necessary to strengthen the drinking regime (the rate of fluid should be above the norm of 10-15%). You can drink plain drinking water without gas, and you can add lemon juice or honey. Save the position of the brine, chicken broth, vegetable broths, green tea, broth hips, herbal teas with diuretic effect. It is useful to drink milk (1 tbsp. per hour). Will be handy and fermented milk drinks. Contraindicated drink any alcohol and coffee. Option liquid it is necessary to choose "for themselves" — that is more suitable to you personally, tell long-suffering body. It is advisable to drink fluid in small portions, so she had time to digest.
The sorbents are produced Today a large number of sorbents – substances able to absorb and remove toxins. You can use ordinary activated carbon, and newfangled APSCO. To help the suffering body come smectite, polifepan, carblog, POLYSORB and other similar drugs. Taking them, you should follow the instructions.
Pharmacy drugs Well reduces the effects of alcoholic excesses glycine. The drug should be put under the tongue at intervals of 1 hour (2 tablets at once). Should be repeated 4-5 times.
Another useful drug — succinic acid. You need to take medicine 3 times a day 1-2 tablets. Succinic acid neutralizes acetaldehyde (toxin that appears after drinking alcohol).
To some extent, saves the situation and ordinary ascorbic acid, only it operates not immediately but very gradually cleansing the body from alcohol will take a few hours and several days.
A decoction of oats Perfectly cleanses the organism, the decoction of oats – boil the grains for an hour (1 tbsp./1.5 l). Strained broth drink slowly all day (it salt).
Sauna to Cope with the effects of alcohol intoxication allows sauna (Russian bath is undesirable because it creates a burden on the cardiovascular system). Sauna activates blood circulation, stimulates metabolic processes, eliminates toxins, neutralizes swelling. It is recommended to do 3 call (5, 10, 20 minutes).
Citrus smoothies Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, organic acids, pectin substances – all this allows to cleanse the body of alcohol toxins. Recycle blender lemon (with peel), add 1 tbsp. fresh orange juice and 1 tbsp honey. Vzbit. More than a simple recipe: put in a glass of crushed ice, squeeze half lemon, add mineral water.
Source: updiet.info/
Alcohol poisoning – a condition very unpleasant. How to clean the body from alcohol? In some cases, it is possible to cope with household measures, and in which – without the help of medical not do?
Medical procedures, In some cases, cleansing the body from alcohol is to trust doctors. In the hospital it is necessary to see if the person poisoned by poor quality alcohol – it is possible that without the forced cleaning will come death. Also, physicians have to contact if a person has serious disease. In the conditions of medical institutions are infusion-drip procedure with the use of special drugs. Find use hardware techniques – hemosorption, plasmapheresis, hemodialysis. Cleaners option the doctor chooses.
Liquid diet to restore metabolic processes in the body and purify the blood from alcohol toxins, it is necessary to strengthen the drinking regime (the rate of fluid should be above the norm of 10-15%). You can drink plain drinking water without gas, and you can add lemon juice or honey. Save the position of the brine, chicken broth, vegetable broths, green tea, broth hips, herbal teas with diuretic effect. It is useful to drink milk (1 tbsp. per hour). Will be handy and fermented milk drinks. Contraindicated drink any alcohol and coffee. Option liquid it is necessary to choose "for themselves" — that is more suitable to you personally, tell long-suffering body. It is advisable to drink fluid in small portions, so she had time to digest.
The sorbents are produced Today a large number of sorbents – substances able to absorb and remove toxins. You can use ordinary activated carbon, and newfangled APSCO. To help the suffering body come smectite, polifepan, carblog, POLYSORB and other similar drugs. Taking them, you should follow the instructions.
Pharmacy drugs Well reduces the effects of alcoholic excesses glycine. The drug should be put under the tongue at intervals of 1 hour (2 tablets at once). Should be repeated 4-5 times.
Another useful drug — succinic acid. You need to take medicine 3 times a day 1-2 tablets. Succinic acid neutralizes acetaldehyde (toxin that appears after drinking alcohol).
To some extent, saves the situation and ordinary ascorbic acid, only it operates not immediately but very gradually cleansing the body from alcohol will take a few hours and several days.
A decoction of oats Perfectly cleanses the organism, the decoction of oats – boil the grains for an hour (1 tbsp./1.5 l). Strained broth drink slowly all day (it salt).
Sauna to Cope with the effects of alcohol intoxication allows sauna (Russian bath is undesirable because it creates a burden on the cardiovascular system). Sauna activates blood circulation, stimulates metabolic processes, eliminates toxins, neutralizes swelling. It is recommended to do 3 call (5, 10, 20 minutes).
Citrus smoothies Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, organic acids, pectin substances – all this allows to cleanse the body of alcohol toxins. Recycle blender lemon (with peel), add 1 tbsp. fresh orange juice and 1 tbsp honey. Vzbit. More than a simple recipe: put in a glass of crushed ice, squeeze half lemon, add mineral water.
Source: updiet.info/