5 behaviors that predict a child's future

In 1972 a group of scientists from new Zealand's University of Otago in Dunedin began the study with its length of more than 40 years. More than 1,000 young parents gave their consent to participate in an unprecedented survey, in which they report annually to the changes taking place with their children. The information gathered by the forces of more than one dozen scientific figures over such a long period, turned out to be incredibly valuable.
This is a unique perspective on the impact of human large and small events of his life. It provides a statistical base for constructing the patterns of understanding that makes us who we become.
Researchers found a three-year-olds five different basic styles of behavior. Focusing on them, you can try to predict how will behave in children 25 years later. We can use these data strictly inspected in the role of compass, pointing to the qualities that should develop in the child that his future was successful and happy.
Personal development Personality continues to develop throughout life: different situations break us fit, we gain wisdom and experience. Although the basics of who we are, remain relatively unchanged from childhood. We will describe five styles of behavior and add the explanation as the efficient use of these or other advantages and disadvantages.
Sure These kids — their own holiday. They are noisy, communicative, Frank, and do not much doubt of her own irresistibility. They say what others wouldn't dream to make. Savvy and intuition is their strong point, and to be first in everything and always is their motto. Such pressure could spell a lot of problems. How to make life more balanced?
Great if the child considers himself the best. But over time, other people it may start to irritate. Someone and not be able to put up with someone else's advantage. The fact that in small children looks lovely and daring in the young men and women will quickly get bored. Make sure that you teach your child to listen not only to yourself.
Confidence in yourself and your abilities is very good. But excessive bravado leads to disasters and failures in building a relationship. Teach your child to control impulsiveness and develop a sense of tact.
These children need to understand that although pay attention to them, admire their chutzpah and candor, from time to time should act a little more restrained. People who always behave as "special", very tiring others, teach them to slow down.
These children are not paralyzed by doubt, but often timid. Their standard approach to any situation — alarmed and retreat. We all sometimes are, and there is nothing terrible. The problems begin when such a reaction to a new situation becomes the main.
You need to explain to the child that the errors are nothing to worry about. We all make them. Without mistakes you will not learn. Work on changing associations related failures. Use the situation for detailed analysis: that the child learned about yourself, what are you gonna do next time. The rule is to share their mistakes.
Calmly react to the panic attacks that occurs in children. Your confidence that nothing bad will happen, will be transferred to him.
Read books, watch the movies, expand your circle of acquaintances. Cultivate an understanding of what not all in life is taken too close to heart. Even the most serious situations sometimes should be treated with humor.
These children are irritable, impulsive, angry, and do not show persistence in performing tasks. Often they don't like to do something new, and if still necessary, they are reluctant, a brief attempt and then insulted by the kind of dropping the ball.
Not the easiest life approach, and if for a long time to leave it as is, the level of irritability will increase, and the degree of satisfaction is falling. You, as the parent, need to help the child.
Life really can be annoying, but if you learn to accept it and not resist, everything will be much easier. Teach your child to relax. Physical education, art, music, relaxation therapy, reading — it all helps relieve stress.
It's hard to make friends when you always pouting and mad, and to maintain good relations with them more difficult. There will need help. Good manners and upbringing — albeit a fake one, but a sure way to create around himself a circle of acquaintances.
If the child has a tendency to see things in a negative light and take it all in, teach him to be more flexible. Not all and not always about him. You must learn to understand that perhaps peers react to it is so and not otherwise for his own reasons.
Reward manifestations of self-control and impulsivity train. You can create the situation necessary for securing a successful outcome. For example, say that if the child is to save pocket money for two weeks, you will add an additional amount which will be sufficient to buy desirable toys.
Suppressed Overly shy, timid and socially closed. They will always prefer to follow someone than be a leader, or quietly recede into the background, watching but not joining.
It is understood that almost all children exhibit these qualities from time to time. Sometimes it's better to just shut up and watch, to understand what is happening. However, some of the children to go under the bright lights of the world are harder than others. But you can help your child.
Let him loudly and vividly to behave in the comfort of his home. Let him be the star in your room: a pop singer or an actor, designer or the host of the show. Over time, this will help to build small bridges in other areas of life.
If the child is interested in some specific direction, for example, music, to actively encourage this hobby. It is a piano, violin, singing in a choir or plays the drums. The tool will give him a specific role, which, in turn, will help to more confidently Express themselves to others.
Teach him to listen and trust the inner voice. To defend their point of view and interests. Show by examples that the quiet and unassuming people are able to make bright behavior. Often it is they who make history.
Well adapted About these children say — just a "gift" for the parents. They behave like a to behave at their age. Growing up, they understand that in life from time to time shit happens, so just deal with them and move on.
They are not inclined to dramatize, very friendly and responsive, friendly and accommodating. They ideal, approach life intelligently. However, even for the lucky parents we have a couple of tips.
Thank a higher power for the fact that you are so lucky with the child. Be sure that you are one of the happiest creatures on Earth! Many dream to be in your place.
Rejoice! As much as possible and as often as possible. Spend time with your child, travel, communicate, get creative, watch a movie, enjoy.
The makings of personality of the opinion that at birth we receive a set of specific strengths and weaknesses, and parents are only able to learn to use the advantages and to cope with weaknesses.
In approaching research, this is the case. But do not forget that any judgment is not absolute. Your little one is not obliged to fit only in one template. All the tips described above should be considered only as recommendations and tips. published
Source: mamsy.ru/blog/article/639