Medicine listening
Fifty eight million four hundred ninety seven thousand eight hundred sixty three
That music can change the mental and physical condition of the person, knew in Ancient Greece and in other countries. Peaceful and gentle lapping waves, for example, relieves mental stress, calms.
The most prominent Greek philosophers Pythagoras (VI century BC), Aristotle, Plato (IV century BC), pointed out preventive and therapeutic power of music. They believed that the music establishes the order in the Universe, including the disturbed harmony in the human body.
It was observed that music, above all its main components — the melody and rhythm, change a person's mood, rebuild his emotional state. The healing impact of the sound of certain musical instruments noted Democritus (fifth century BC). He advised to listen to the flute to cure fatal infections.
In Russia the interest to the problem of the relationship between music and medicine is obvious. On the initiative of V. M. Bekhterev in Russia in 1913 was founded the Committee for the study of music therapy effects, which included a number of prominent doctors and representatives of music world. Special studies of C. S. Korsakov, V. M. Bekhterev, I. M. Dogel, I. M. Sechenov, I. R. Tarkhanov, G. P. Shipulin, etc. showed a positive effect of music on various systems of the human body: cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory, Central nervous.
Important conclusions were that negative emotions (fear in the first place) block the function of the cerebral cortex that leads to the loss of human orientation in the environment and may cause his death. Positive emotions from communication with the art have a curative effect on psychosomatic processes that contribute to psycho-emotional tension of man, mobilize its reserve force, determine its creativity in all fields of art, science and life in General. It is these insights of Russian scientists formed the basis of scientific justification of the use of art in correctional work with adult patients and children.
The doctors of the University clinic of Munich have successfully used music therapy in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. And in recent years to the usual treatment of the patients, the doctors added a hearing of the works of Beethoven and Mozart as good mood, positive background help to overcome the stomach ulcer.published
Source: www.vedamost.info/2013/02/blog-post_2898.html
That music can change the mental and physical condition of the person, knew in Ancient Greece and in other countries. Peaceful and gentle lapping waves, for example, relieves mental stress, calms.
The most prominent Greek philosophers Pythagoras (VI century BC), Aristotle, Plato (IV century BC), pointed out preventive and therapeutic power of music. They believed that the music establishes the order in the Universe, including the disturbed harmony in the human body.
It was observed that music, above all its main components — the melody and rhythm, change a person's mood, rebuild his emotional state. The healing impact of the sound of certain musical instruments noted Democritus (fifth century BC). He advised to listen to the flute to cure fatal infections.
In Russia the interest to the problem of the relationship between music and medicine is obvious. On the initiative of V. M. Bekhterev in Russia in 1913 was founded the Committee for the study of music therapy effects, which included a number of prominent doctors and representatives of music world. Special studies of C. S. Korsakov, V. M. Bekhterev, I. M. Dogel, I. M. Sechenov, I. R. Tarkhanov, G. P. Shipulin, etc. showed a positive effect of music on various systems of the human body: cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory, Central nervous.
Important conclusions were that negative emotions (fear in the first place) block the function of the cerebral cortex that leads to the loss of human orientation in the environment and may cause his death. Positive emotions from communication with the art have a curative effect on psychosomatic processes that contribute to psycho-emotional tension of man, mobilize its reserve force, determine its creativity in all fields of art, science and life in General. It is these insights of Russian scientists formed the basis of scientific justification of the use of art in correctional work with adult patients and children.
The doctors of the University clinic of Munich have successfully used music therapy in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. And in recent years to the usual treatment of the patients, the doctors added a hearing of the works of Beethoven and Mozart as good mood, positive background help to overcome the stomach ulcer.published
Source: www.vedamost.info/2013/02/blog-post_2898.html
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