As of 2.4 m2 to obtain a crop of carrots that will last until next season

Carrots along with potatoes and onions is one of the main vegetables, therefore, all gardeners find a place for it on the site.
I will discuss the method that allowed me in a small area of 2.4 sq. m. to obtain a crop of carrots that will last until next season.
Key in this method is the presence of warm high beds, which ensures optimal conditions for the growth of carrots. Namely, it is a deep, loose, fertile soil.
Without such beds to achieve such a layer on our loamy soils is almost impossible.
The second main condition for obtaining a good harvest is to seed selection and proper planting. The seeds I offer to purchase from approved suppliers and better drazhirovannye (that is covered with a nourishing shell). These seeds enable us to accurately according to the scheme, maintaining the necessary distance, which in turn gives the opportunity of unpleasant technological technique is the decimation of the ascended carrot.
Any thinning is injury to neighboring plants and the attraction of the flower bed pests, especially carrot fly.
So with seeds, we decided, but the seeding I produced as follows: on the prepared lined flower bed poured 5 cm layer of old sawdust sifted to make them grooves along the beds to a depth of soil and distance between them of 20 cm, and from the edge of a bed 10 cm.
Then shed these grooves with warm water, to disinfect the water, you can add potassium permanganate until pink.
Then not too lazy and carefully laid in the furrows, one seed at 3-4 cm After the pickup sprinkle them with sawdust and once again spill warm water from the watering can with spray.
All the main time-consuming work completed, waiting for germination, which usually appear after 5-10 days depending on temperature. During this time, the shavings do not give the weeds to germinate, so seedlings of carrots can be easily seen. But after 5-6 days after sprouting still have to weed the bed, although it loudly, but rather to say rarely remove sprouting weeds.
Over the summer, in the same way, I weeded my flower bed twice as long as the closed tops of the carrots. Sawdust also reduced the amount of irrigation per unit area and not let the rains not to score, not to wash away the soil.
As you know, tilling with this approach, it is eliminated completely.
Of course, no dressing, such as nitrophoska and even "Agricola Vegeta" and "Effekton-On", related to organic fertilizer can be no question. Because the patch assumes the presence of necessary quantities of nutrients for the whole growth period of carrot.published
In this you can see looking at the video.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: svoitomaty.ru/kak-vyrastit-urozhajnuyu-morkov-na-vysokix-gryadkax/