11 signs You are a man of "class A"

Ambitions. Stress. Perfectionism. And something else.In the English language coined the term Type-A. So call people that are better than others cope with life, get their way and manage somehow still to live a full life.
Many of these people first don't like: it seems that they are constantly tense, irritable, and wildly impatient. But, as is always the case, "shortcomings" is just a side effect "benefits."
People "class And" I want you to know about these 11 things.
1. We are not impatient. We're just thinking about efficiency.A long queue? Tube? In such times, it may seem that we hate people. This is because we always have a next goal, and we think that people slow us down on the way to it.
Professor of psychology and management at the University of Michigan John Shorrock says that impatience is not a mental disorder, but only evidence that the person is able to move quickly on vital "checkpoint". Even if it's just cash withdrawals at ATMs.
2. To wait for anyone we always excruciatingly painful.If you say you'll meet her at 6.30, then you have come to the appointed place at 6.25! We will do this!
The fact that the kind of perfectionists like us are extremely sensitive to the senseless loss of time. We don't want to feel that we are losing it.
3. We live by lists.How else are we supposed to track your progress and your short-term goals?!
4. Each task is labeled "urgent"We really appreciate when everyone works quickly and efficiently. Again: a waste of time is what we love the most in life.
Psychologist and business coach Bernardo Tirado: "the Greatest success to reach the people who know how to think and act fast, to communicate using short and compressed form"
5. We are very motivated.As soon as we have something for themselves will plan, we will not rest until we bring the case to the end. It does not matter whether it be a job or the desire to get to hang out on Friday evening.
"People who are called Type-A, always and in everything strive to achieve some result. They are always busy achieving their goals. This makes sense: the probability that they will accomplish something useful, much higher than in the case of other people," comments Sorbrook.
6. We really find it difficult to relax.That's where the sensitivity plays a cruel joke with us. We are so used to constantly fuss that literally feel guilty for the time spent in a sweet "doing nothing".
Although research shows that "disconnect" is very important to us is hard to do. Unless you make the appropriate item in the diary.
7. Stress is our constant companion.Friedman says that people are "class A" much more sensitive to stress than others. The problem is that if we are faced with uncertainty, the default configured for the worst-case scenario. Excuse us for our regular small negative.
8. We have "nervous habits".Some of us are constantly teasing the hair, others publicly pick their nose, others nervously tapping toes of the feet, the fourth — biting his nails, the fifth — clench your teeth to the pain in the jaw. This behavior is very characteristic of perfectionists, says Meyer Friedman.
9. We emotional.Many believe that people like us think only of ourselves and our own benefits. And often climb with their unwanted and annoying advice. But that's only because we really care, that all was well.
The researchers suggest that this behavior is a side effect dobrochesnosti. If you think that we are too anxious about the upcoming party in his honor, it is because we really want it to be impressive. You deserve it.
10. We are constantly pondering something.Do you ever get that brain to fixate on something that is impossible to stop? He always rides in a circle is the same, trying to find a new way of solving problems or explain the world.
This is a common phenomenon for people like us. Psychologists say that even when we can't sleep at night because I think over the solution of the problem, — it is also normal for us. And does not necessarily indicate stress.
11. We always compete with anyone, even with yourself.This is perhaps one of our most important deficiencies. We are constantly mentally compare ourselves with others. We really need to be "the best person in the room". Doesn't matter what it's about: professional success or a Board game.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and people "class A" is no exception. But we will try to behave myself. Promise. published
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/11-priznakov-chto-vi--chelovek-klassa-A#45187