What air we breathe ? Important information for city residents

Exploring electromagnetic fields, the scientists found that they are literally woven from positively and negatively charged particles called ions that are so microscopic that they can penetrate the earth, the air, etc. Experiments, the scientists showed that a positive or negative charge of ions is affected in a specific way on the psychophysical functions of the body. Therefore, if a person is able to control these energies, he can control and your psyche and your physical body.
As studies have shown, the predominance of negative ions has provided a stimulating and healing effect on the body, while an overwhelming amount of positive ions suppressed immune system: people fell into a lethargic condition, annoyed them suffered from headaches, had trouble breathing. With increasing mass of negative ions, the life force quickly recovered and people recovered. So it was found that ionized the atmosphere plays a vital role in life. If it were not ion — no creature could survive.
The presence of positive and negative ions in the living system acts, in the end, all mechanisms of the body. They affect the nervous system, the rhythm of breathing, digestion, the regulation of the endocrine system, and depend on our thinking, speech and, finally, fate itself. Therefore, the absorption of positive and negative ions from the air we breathe determines the health of our respiratory organs.
When we leave the city and all of its industrial complexes and go to the mountains, in the woods or on the river, I always feel more cheerful. This is mainly due to the natural accumulation in such regions of negative ions. When we say "breathe fresh air", it really means that the inhalation of negative ions. City air is saturated with positive ions, and therefore in these circumstances, to keep fit not just. Modern technology destroys recklessly and especially in densely populated areas of the natural balance of ions in the atmosphere.
The reduced concentration of negative ions is devastating for all life and is the main factor rasprostranena disease and human suffering. How people will be able to live and think rightly if his mind and body are out of balance? Therefore, any system of yoga primarily advises the student to live where there is clean air and simple furnishings.
The first experiments Chizhevsky experimental animals, inhaled negative ions of oxygen, lived 42 percent longer than their counterparts, and extended the period of activity and vigor.
Numerous observations show that the ionization of negative polarity greatly improves the physiological condition of experimental animals, whereas a predominance of positive charges when the deficit is negative, is harmful to them.
As is known, the action of ions, was open and used at the beginning of last century by scientists cizewski. He suggested to enrich the indoor air with negative ions to use them designed air ionizers negative ion generators. He believed that it is especially important to do this in stone buildings containing a surplus of positive ions and the lack of negative
After a series of experiments Chizhevsky came to the conclusion that Aero ionization may become a significant factor in the decision of problems of preservation of health and prolongation of human life.
Due to the pollution of air negative ions is even smaller. In urban air is dangerous enough negative ions, a disturbed natural ratio of positive and negative ions — 5:4, so people are inevitably and permanently poison the positive ions. More than half of the urban population is suffering, not knowing why they feel not the best way.
Numerous electrometric observations have shown that in 1 SMZ:
Wild forest and natural waterfall 10 000 ions/cubic cm
Mountains and sea-coast 5 000 ions/cubic cm
Countryside 700-1 500 ions/CC
The center of the city Park of 400-600 ions/CC
Park avenues 100-200 ions/CC
The urban area of 40-50 ions/CC
Air-conditioned closed spaces 0-25 ions/CC
The concentration of negative ions and its impact on human health:
100 000 – 500 000 ions/CC is Achieved the natural therapeutic effect
50 000 – 100 000 ions/CC Acquired the ability of sterilization, deodorization and elimination of toxins
5 000 – 50 000 ions/CC a Beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system helping to fight diseases
1 000 — 2 000 ions/CC provides the basis for a healthy existence
Less than 50 ions/CC Prerequisite for psychological disorders
Country air is present about 6000 of dust particles per 1 ml, and in the industrial cities in 1 ml of air – millions of particles of dust. The dust destroys the air, strengthen human health. First and foremost the dust "eats" negative ions, because the dust is charged positively and attracts negative ions, while light negative ion turns into harmful heavy ion. Regular measurements on the main streets of St. Petersburg, Dublin, Munich, Paris, Zurich and Sydney show that in the afternoon of only 50 — 200 light ions in 1 cm3, this is 2-4 times lower than normal, is necessary for normal health.
How does the ion depletion in a closed space in the late 30-ies demonstrated Japanese scholars of the Imperial University of Hokkaido. The room could change the temperature, amount of oxygen and moisture, and negative ions will gradually be removed. 14 men and women 18-40 years were in this room. Temperature, humidity and oxygen at an optimum level, and negative ions from the air began to remove. The subjects felt discomfort from simple headache, fatigue and excessive sweating to of anxiety and pressure. All stated that the room was stuffy with dead air.
The second group was in the cinema where in a room full of dust and a large number of people light negative ions is almost gone naturally. After the end of the movie, the audience felt a nasty headache and sweating. These people was carried into the room in which the generated negative ions, and soon they felt lighter, headache and sweating disappeared.
Next time scientists have sent people filled the cinema, and when many began to complain of headache and sweating, in the air of the hall from several locations produced negative ions. The number of negative ions reached 500 — 2500 in 1 CC. in 1.5 hours of the film suffering from headache and sweating, completely forgot about them, and felt good.
Psychiatrists and psychologists in the last 20 years talking about the enormous size of the problem “concern”. Up to a certain level anxiety is a normal phenomenon, the basis for human survival. But the level of concern became much higher “healthy”.
Symptoms of poisoning the positive ions are very similar to those treated by doctors at psychoneurosis anxiety: irrational anxiety, insomnia, unexplainable depression, anxiety, sudden panic attacks absurd insecurity, and constant colds.
The doctor of the Argentine Catholic University was treating patients suffering from classic anxiety, with the help of negative ions. They all complained of unexplained fears and tensions typical of psychoneurosis anxiety. 10-20 15-minute treatment sessions air with negative ions in 80% of patients symptoms of anxiety disappeared completely.
– Here's a SNIP No. 2152-80, developed in the USSR and which has not been canceled. It says that one cubic centimeter of air in industrial and public premises should be from 3000 to 5000 ions. At least, that at the very least, let's say, 600 ions.
And what do we have really? In urban apartments too little ions, from 50 to 100! Open the window to breathe fresh air. But on the street they not much more: 2-3 hundreds per cubic centimeter. published
Author: A. L. Chizhevsky — Aerionofication in the national economy
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-78559590?own=1