Plants in the house – clean air and psychological relief
In our age of insane speeds, deteriorating ecology and accumulated stress green plants in the house are not just a tribute to tradition or a hobby for fans that brightens up leisure, but a necessity. After all, they are not only beautiful decorations but also to some extent our doctors: physiotherapists and psychologists. Yes, exactly, don't be surprised. Proven that plants are able not only to produce oxygen, providing the house is clean air, they have the assets of many other useful properties.

Take, for example, all known geraniums. Quite a few Amateur growers are aware that geranium is an indicator of the "atmosphere" in the house where it grows. If the family is peace and quiet, and the geranium on the windowsill feels great, blooms and grows. If she had started to wither – it's time to sound the alarm and to think about their relationships with loved ones. But it is, so to say, the esoteric properties of the plant, we are talking here about a scientific and proven facts by scientists. The geranium leaves release into the air around the plant bactericidal substances in considerable quantities, and neighborhood with her microbes not tolerate, even so malicious as a variety of "cocci". And the smell of geranium has a positive effect on mental activity and physical energy of people, improves the overall human condition during the depression, with fatigue and just nervous tension.
Or another very common house plant – Chlorophytum. Especially like to put on the window sills in kindergartens, schools and other institutions. Mainly because fluffy handsome Chlorophytum extremely unpretentious and all he needs is sun and water, and the more, the better. And it multiplies quickly: threw a "mustache". But, delighting our eyes and aesthetic perception, Chlorophytum also works in the premises of a real factory of oxygen, producing clean air, and a filter for ambient air. No matter how we try, no matter what air-conditioning system of any set, but the air in the urban room would still be dirty almost the entire periodic table. Here and car exhausts, Willy-nilly leaking from the street, and hanging over any major city in the smog, and tobacco smoke from the Smoking neighbor, and a lot more – and it is only external factors.
Now add to these factors the internal. What made your furniture? Wood? Well, wood is a natural material and environmentally friendly. But can the same be said of the paint or varnish that he applied, or the glue that holds together the parts of furniture? But if furniture made with conventional particleboard? So, in the apartment there are at least two phenol (and if it is particle Board quality), and even more potent carcinogens.
You have a beautiful and practical hinged plastic ceiling in the kitchen? It is very possible that you sit there and instead of pure air breathing formaldehyde. You wash and use powder detergent? Of course, who does not use them. And it is chlorine and heavy metal salts in the air. And so on, the list goes on and on. The concentration of all this ugliness is small enough that you don't smell anything, and it's the worst.
So, a big, sprawling Chlorophytum in a matter of hours makes the air in the room if not crystal clear, then, in any case, is cleared from these harmful to your health impurities, in addition, saturating it with oxygen. And the more in the room of such plants, the better they do their job, creating a room is useful for all living there climate. Very effectively able to neutralize floating around carcinogens and to supply clean air is our old and good friend — agave-aloe. Besides, this plant is a real pharmacy on the windowsill, its healing properties written tons of paper and megabytes of electronic literature. From which it only helps for a sore throat, colds, burns, treats a variety of wounds. So it definitely ought to have, even better several.
Well-known and even banal ficus: did you know that his shiny, large, succulent leaves — a tireless "fighters" exhaust and phenol? Begonia, another common houseplant, also provides us with clean air and disinfects it in the room. In addition, it by their presence enhances human immunity, helps the body deal with stress, reduces fatigue and improves mood, mental alertness and performance, therefore, begonia is good to keep not only the home but also in the workplace.
Very useful to have in the house some small conifers – dwarf spruce, stone pine, the Araucaria. 've noticed is always clean air in coniferous forests, and what's that smell? All the coniferous trees without exception, emit into the air a huge number of volatile – very volatile bactericidal substances. Besides, they have the ability to filter the air from dust particles. Tropical vine monstera, despite the eerie name, "dangerous" only for harmful electromagnetic radiation, which is now literally flooded our home. TV screens and computers, mobile phones, satellite antenna, microwave ovens, wireless modems – all of it radiates energy, and not always harmless to the body doses. To grow monstera is quite simple, no special care is required – only water, any heat and light. It is useful to have the monster in the room for those who suffer from frequent and severe headaches. She treats them worse than cats.
Nephrolepis, better known to us as simply "fern" is very similar to monstera that "loves" harmful radiation. If you put it in front of a TV, Nephrolepis be the only happy, the more that, though he loves the light, but direct sunlight can not stand. There is also a fundamentally different category of house plants, which, not having in the Arsenal of such powerful abilities listed above as their green counterparts, nevertheless, is much appreciated. Human health is not only a state of body but a state of mind. I think the word "aromatherapy" you know, so we will not dwell on the definition and go straight to the fact which home "Pets" have a beneficial effect on our nervous system and how they affect it.
Verbena. A wonderful, hardy plant native to America. Fluffy "umbrella" of the small blossoms of all colors not only pleasing to our eyes. With the scent of verbena clears the head and easier to think, at once is a way out of difficult situations.
Lavender. Besides the well-known medicinal properties, it has a healing aroma. The smell of lavender are calming and soothing, helps with insomnia and just a bad mood, even melancholy.
Melissa. You've probably seen this: rough fleshy dark green leaves and small white or bluish flowers. Her scent is quite strong and slightly reminiscent of citrus, for which the people she got the second name — "lemongrass". The aroma of lemon balm around you neutralize any negative energy, like a transparent shield that swings directed at you as a bad idea.
Hibiscus, aka China rose. Bright and showy plant that likes light, but not heat. Its delicate refreshing scent lifts the mood, even with zero and helps to cope with any situation that requires human intuitive approach.
Rosemary. Evergreen is committed undemanding plant with small flowers and wonderful scent that enhances the immune system, warms the soul, doesn't let you sit still and sad, and calls to action.
Citronella, it is also lemon grass or cymbopogon. Its leaves contain essential oil, which is very not like mosquitoes. In composition it is similar to what is produced in the leaves of geranium, citronella and therefore also has the ability to decontaminate the premises where it is located. The aroma of citronella relieves symptoms of depression, improves concentration and memory.
A particularly good effect on the mood of citrus plants. Most of us have noticed how good you feel from them is the slightest unique, invigorating flavor. Citrus trees in the conditions of the premises required attentive care, but the result is impressive. And, maybe you "persuade" the tree to bear fruit.
Source: zeleneet.com
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