Marine power — the way to salvation of the planet

In the age of innovative technologies, where every day invent something new, it all depends on a simple electrical outlet. More precisely, from traveling through the wires of the stream of particles is called electrical energy. The traditional way of its production is very costly and not environmentally friendly. Therefore, a constant search for alternative sources of energy could not be relevant today.
Marine power – a project under the name of SETO, which implements the energy company Carnegie Wave Energy Limited based in Perth, Australia. Buoys stations convert the energy of ocean waves into electricity. Floating power plant has already proven its effectiveness, for 16 years, since 1999 the company has developed different models.
Nacinal with a small prototype with a capacity of only 80 watts, today it is like a huge ocean of jellyfish station capable of generating up to one megawatt of electricity! Is this not another way to preserve the ecology of our Planet? published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.readandpost.ru/morskaya-elektrostantsiya-put-k-spaseniyu-planety/