Complex GALAXY
In the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow will soon be built complex, similar to the project "Galaxy", which was presented in Cannes at the International Fair of real estate MIPIM-2007.
"Galaxy" - is a multifunctional shopping and entertainment complex with a hotel "three stars" and road interchange, which should appear at the intersection of Prospect and Michurinsky street Lobachevsky.
The second set - in the HLW - will be built at the intersection of Highway Enthusiasts and 16 Park Street. In addition, it is planned that in Moscow will be about five such complexes.
"Galaxy" - this eight-story building, which should be located on an area 213 sq. M. meters (including trade area - more than 100 thousand sq. m. m and 55 sq. m. meters takes parking). In the "galactic" hotel is 150 rooms.
The amount of investment is about 300 million. Dollars.
"Galaxy" - is a multifunctional shopping and entertainment complex with a hotel "three stars" and road interchange, which should appear at the intersection of Prospect and Michurinsky street Lobachevsky.
The second set - in the HLW - will be built at the intersection of Highway Enthusiasts and 16 Park Street. In addition, it is planned that in Moscow will be about five such complexes.
"Galaxy" - this eight-story building, which should be located on an area 213 sq. M. meters (including trade area - more than 100 thousand sq. m. m and 55 sq. m. meters takes parking). In the "galactic" hotel is 150 rooms.
The amount of investment is about 300 million. Dollars.