9 revelations to financial independence
You spent your whole life dreaming to become rich, but still live from paycheck to paycheck? Then these tips are for you! Apply them in your life and very soon your life comes to financial abundance.
Change your thinking about money
Many people simultaneously love and hate money. They hate those who have them, but their whole lives trying to get rich. Most people cannot save up a substantial nest egg because they don't understand the nature of money and how they work. Money, like people, are sentient beings. When you Wake up and go to work, you are selling a product – you (your work).
When you realize that every morning your assets Wake up with the same work potential, as you do, you will open your way to success. Every dollar saved will be your employee. Over time, your employees earn enough money to hire new workers (cash). When you become really successful, you won't have to sell their labor – you can live at the expense of its assets.
Realize the power of small numbers
To begin, you don't need a Napoleonic army. People often think that they lack something. They think they can't get rich if you do not start immediately to make large investments. They do not realize that every army starts with one soldier. The same thing happens with their finances.
My friend once met a woman who worked as a dishwasher, and my bags of bottles from under detergents. This woman invested and saved all the money that she had, even if it was just a few dollars. Today the portfolio of it investments built on small investments of several million dollars! I'm not suggesting you be as economical, but this woman's story teaches a valuable lesson. Don't despise the day of small beginnings!
Every saved dollar you're buying yourself freedom
Based on this principle, you realize that $ 20 here and $ 40 there can play an important role in the long term. Money can work for you, and the more money you hire, the more they will become. With more money comes more freedom – the freedom to be home with the kids, freedom to retire and travel the world, or the freedom to quit your job. If you have a source of income, you can today begin to prosper. Let at first it will be five to ten dollars each investment will become a stone in the Foundation of your financial independence.
You are responsible for determining their position
Many years ago a friend of mine said that he didn't want to invest in stocks. She decided she didn't want to wait ten years to get rich, if she can immediately enjoy their jobs. This is a very foolish approach. You can live 10 years. The question is, in what position you find yourself in. Your current situation is the sum of decisions that you made in the past. So why not take care of your future today?
Don't buy the product, buy the stock!
One of my friends wanted to know why he's still not rich. No matter how much he delayed, he was standing still. The answer is very simple. I told him to stop buying the products companies sell and start buying the companies themselves!
A survey of wealthy Americans (those earning more than 225 thousand dollars a year or has in the asset of $ 3 million) revealed that 27-30% of their income goes into investments and savings. They do this not because they are rich. They are rich because this is done. When the pain of financial slavery will be stronger than the pain of changing habits, you will be rich. Either change, or accept how I live now
Study success and those who have reached it and repeat after them
Once a very wise investor has given me very sage advice. Pick traits that you like or dislike your characters, and make sure to cultivate those traits that you admire, and get rid of those that you do not like. Vilepi to be a person whom I wanted to be.
When you start to invest in yourself, in your life will start to receive money. Success and wealth beget more success and wealth. You will have to earn access to this circle. This will happen if you gradually build your army of soldiers and make your money work for you.
Remember that it is not only high earnings
Even if you have more money, this will not solve your problem. Money is like a magnifying glass, they amplify and manifest your habits. If you can't handle the job get 18 thousand per year, the worst thing that can happen to you is the salary in 100 thousand per year. It will destroy you.
I know many people who earn 100 Grand a year, live paycheck to paycheck, and not understand why. The problem is not the size of their wallet – the problem is how they use their money.
Don't imitate their parents, if they were not rich people
Madness over and over again to repeat the same thing and expect a different result. If your parents did not live the life you want to live, don't do what they did. If you don't want to live just like the previous generations have lived in your family, you have to get rid of their thinking. To achieve financial independence and success that had or did not have your family, you need to do two things. First, try to get rid of all debts. Secondly, start to save and invest.
Don't worry
Life is an amazing thing. No matter where you are. It is important which direction you move. If you decided to take control of your life and increase your capital, don't let yourself doubt. Every second you're getting closer and closer to their goal – control and freedom. Every dollar that gets in your hands is the seed of your financial future. If you're going to make responsible decisions that will undoubtedly achieve financial prosperity. The day will come when you make the last payment for their house or car. Until then – enjoy the process. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: 5sfer.com/3381-kak-stat-bogatym-9-otkrovenij-kotorye-ukazhut-tebe-put-k-finansovoj-nezavisimosti.html#main
Change your thinking about money
Many people simultaneously love and hate money. They hate those who have them, but their whole lives trying to get rich. Most people cannot save up a substantial nest egg because they don't understand the nature of money and how they work. Money, like people, are sentient beings. When you Wake up and go to work, you are selling a product – you (your work).

When you realize that every morning your assets Wake up with the same work potential, as you do, you will open your way to success. Every dollar saved will be your employee. Over time, your employees earn enough money to hire new workers (cash). When you become really successful, you won't have to sell their labor – you can live at the expense of its assets.
Realize the power of small numbers
To begin, you don't need a Napoleonic army. People often think that they lack something. They think they can't get rich if you do not start immediately to make large investments. They do not realize that every army starts with one soldier. The same thing happens with their finances.
My friend once met a woman who worked as a dishwasher, and my bags of bottles from under detergents. This woman invested and saved all the money that she had, even if it was just a few dollars. Today the portfolio of it investments built on small investments of several million dollars! I'm not suggesting you be as economical, but this woman's story teaches a valuable lesson. Don't despise the day of small beginnings!
Every saved dollar you're buying yourself freedom
Based on this principle, you realize that $ 20 here and $ 40 there can play an important role in the long term. Money can work for you, and the more money you hire, the more they will become. With more money comes more freedom – the freedom to be home with the kids, freedom to retire and travel the world, or the freedom to quit your job. If you have a source of income, you can today begin to prosper. Let at first it will be five to ten dollars each investment will become a stone in the Foundation of your financial independence.
You are responsible for determining their position
Many years ago a friend of mine said that he didn't want to invest in stocks. She decided she didn't want to wait ten years to get rich, if she can immediately enjoy their jobs. This is a very foolish approach. You can live 10 years. The question is, in what position you find yourself in. Your current situation is the sum of decisions that you made in the past. So why not take care of your future today?
Don't buy the product, buy the stock!
One of my friends wanted to know why he's still not rich. No matter how much he delayed, he was standing still. The answer is very simple. I told him to stop buying the products companies sell and start buying the companies themselves!
A survey of wealthy Americans (those earning more than 225 thousand dollars a year or has in the asset of $ 3 million) revealed that 27-30% of their income goes into investments and savings. They do this not because they are rich. They are rich because this is done. When the pain of financial slavery will be stronger than the pain of changing habits, you will be rich. Either change, or accept how I live now
Study success and those who have reached it and repeat after them
Once a very wise investor has given me very sage advice. Pick traits that you like or dislike your characters, and make sure to cultivate those traits that you admire, and get rid of those that you do not like. Vilepi to be a person whom I wanted to be.
When you start to invest in yourself, in your life will start to receive money. Success and wealth beget more success and wealth. You will have to earn access to this circle. This will happen if you gradually build your army of soldiers and make your money work for you.
Remember that it is not only high earnings
Even if you have more money, this will not solve your problem. Money is like a magnifying glass, they amplify and manifest your habits. If you can't handle the job get 18 thousand per year, the worst thing that can happen to you is the salary in 100 thousand per year. It will destroy you.
I know many people who earn 100 Grand a year, live paycheck to paycheck, and not understand why. The problem is not the size of their wallet – the problem is how they use their money.
Don't imitate their parents, if they were not rich people
Madness over and over again to repeat the same thing and expect a different result. If your parents did not live the life you want to live, don't do what they did. If you don't want to live just like the previous generations have lived in your family, you have to get rid of their thinking. To achieve financial independence and success that had or did not have your family, you need to do two things. First, try to get rid of all debts. Secondly, start to save and invest.
Don't worry
Life is an amazing thing. No matter where you are. It is important which direction you move. If you decided to take control of your life and increase your capital, don't let yourself doubt. Every second you're getting closer and closer to their goal – control and freedom. Every dollar that gets in your hands is the seed of your financial future. If you're going to make responsible decisions that will undoubtedly achieve financial prosperity. The day will come when you make the last payment for their house or car. Until then – enjoy the process. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: 5sfer.com/3381-kak-stat-bogatym-9-otkrovenij-kotorye-ukazhut-tebe-put-k-finansovoj-nezavisimosti.html#main