Polio is back! How not to miss dangerous symptoms
Recently in our country the doctors again diagnosed with polio some children with severe paralytic form. This dangerous infection affecting the gray matter of the spinal cord, the whole world is struggling for many years, and there are even special programs who to eradicate polio. However, this disease periodically reminded of new outbreaks. Experts believe that timely vaccination of children against polio can prevent the emergence of new patients. But since cases of polio infection again the doctor should be clear about its symptoms and the list of urgent measures.
How polio spreads and how dangerous the virus
Polio refers to the smallest enteroviruses are most often spread oral-fecal route, but perhaps airborne contamination. The virus remains long in the milk, the water in the feces and can remain active up to six months. Promotes infection poor hygiene (unwashed hands, non-boiled water or milk) and the weakening of the body. The source of infection is often people with erased and atypical forms of polio.
The danger of the polio virus in that it penetrates through the lymphatic or circulatory system in the body, multiplies in the motor neurons, causing them necrotic changes, cause the development of serious motor disorders in a patient, lead to paralysis, bone deformities, paresis.
How to recognize the main symptoms of polio, including atypically stage of poliomyelitis is strongly reminiscent of the manifestations of acute respiratory infections, so in many cases, patients do not receive adequate assistance and be a source of infection to others. Patients complain catarrhal phenomena – dryness of the nose, throat and sore, sore throat, runny nose, watery red eyes, headache, and fever. Amid these symptoms of a physician should be alerted the presence of vomiting, lethargy, twitching of muscles, cramps, tension of the neck muscles, pain in the limbs and spine. Perhaps the appearance of the rash in areas of major lymphatic vessels.
After 5-7 days in patients who have been previously vaccinated and has a good immune system, the symptoms subside, and recovery begins. If timely vaccination was not carried out, if join exacerbation of chronic diseases, if the patient due to various factors weakened the body's defenses, polio can go into a paralytic stage.
In this case, the temperature drops, muscle pain disappear, but separate muscles become weak and unable to arbitrary movements. Appear paralysis and paresis, sometimes asymmetric and multiple. May be part of the same limb, separate the muscles of the neck or back. Most often affected the legs and arms. With the defeat of respiratory muscles probable death. Symptoms increase during the first week, then slowed down, after 2 weeks of possible dislocations in the joints and muscle atrophy. Approximately every fourth patient with polio remains disabled.
Diagnosis of polio and therapeutic interventions in this zabolevaniyami polio is based on the laboratory data, the basis for the immediate taking of material for analysis becomes acute onset of disease with fever and muscle pain, combined with the rapid development of muscle weakness and asymmetric paralysis.
The patient with suspected polio immediately isolated. Treatment against polio symptomatic, it is recommended that the introduction of gamma globulin, vitamins, bed rest with a strict fixation of the limbs and very careful of their movement. With the defeat of respiratory muscles, apply artificial respiration. During the recovery period is fundamentally important massages, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, individual sessions with a podiatrist.
During the illness, polio vaccination is useless, but as a preventive measure, the vaccine could prevent severe paralysis and paresis.
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Source: estet-portal.com/stati/dermatologiya/poliomielit-vozvrashchaetsya-kak-ne-propustit-opasnye-simptomy

How polio spreads and how dangerous the virus
Polio refers to the smallest enteroviruses are most often spread oral-fecal route, but perhaps airborne contamination. The virus remains long in the milk, the water in the feces and can remain active up to six months. Promotes infection poor hygiene (unwashed hands, non-boiled water or milk) and the weakening of the body. The source of infection is often people with erased and atypical forms of polio.
The danger of the polio virus in that it penetrates through the lymphatic or circulatory system in the body, multiplies in the motor neurons, causing them necrotic changes, cause the development of serious motor disorders in a patient, lead to paralysis, bone deformities, paresis.
How to recognize the main symptoms of polio, including atypically stage of poliomyelitis is strongly reminiscent of the manifestations of acute respiratory infections, so in many cases, patients do not receive adequate assistance and be a source of infection to others. Patients complain catarrhal phenomena – dryness of the nose, throat and sore, sore throat, runny nose, watery red eyes, headache, and fever. Amid these symptoms of a physician should be alerted the presence of vomiting, lethargy, twitching of muscles, cramps, tension of the neck muscles, pain in the limbs and spine. Perhaps the appearance of the rash in areas of major lymphatic vessels.
After 5-7 days in patients who have been previously vaccinated and has a good immune system, the symptoms subside, and recovery begins. If timely vaccination was not carried out, if join exacerbation of chronic diseases, if the patient due to various factors weakened the body's defenses, polio can go into a paralytic stage.
In this case, the temperature drops, muscle pain disappear, but separate muscles become weak and unable to arbitrary movements. Appear paralysis and paresis, sometimes asymmetric and multiple. May be part of the same limb, separate the muscles of the neck or back. Most often affected the legs and arms. With the defeat of respiratory muscles probable death. Symptoms increase during the first week, then slowed down, after 2 weeks of possible dislocations in the joints and muscle atrophy. Approximately every fourth patient with polio remains disabled.
Diagnosis of polio and therapeutic interventions in this zabolevaniyami polio is based on the laboratory data, the basis for the immediate taking of material for analysis becomes acute onset of disease with fever and muscle pain, combined with the rapid development of muscle weakness and asymmetric paralysis.
The patient with suspected polio immediately isolated. Treatment against polio symptomatic, it is recommended that the introduction of gamma globulin, vitamins, bed rest with a strict fixation of the limbs and very careful of their movement. With the defeat of respiratory muscles, apply artificial respiration. During the recovery period is fundamentally important massages, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, individual sessions with a podiatrist.
During the illness, polio vaccination is useless, but as a preventive measure, the vaccine could prevent severe paralysis and paresis.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: estet-portal.com/stati/dermatologiya/poliomielit-vozvrashchaetsya-kak-ne-propustit-opasnye-simptomy